Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38804

RTC3, Restriction of telomere capping protein 3, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTC3P38804 TPM2YIL138C 486 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 CSI1YMR025W 888 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 MRPS8YMR158W 468 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 PHO80YOL001W 882 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 GPX2YBR244W 489 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 MON2YNL297C 4911 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 HIR3YJR140C 4947 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YGL042CYGL042C 306 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 VMA7YGR020C 357 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 VOA1YGR106C 798 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YHR050W-AYHR050W-A 171 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 PEP8YJL053W 1140 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 SNF5YBR289W 2718 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 RSM22YKL155C 1887 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 MAD1YGL086W 2250 nt1.32□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 BNA7YDR428C 786 nt1.31□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YER138W-AYER138W-A 105 nt1.31□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YFR057WYFR057W 456 nt1.31□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 MPC1YGL080W 393 nt1.31□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YBL107W-AYBL107W-A 105 nt1.31□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 EGD1YPL037C 474 nt1.31□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 SPC98YNL126W 2541 nt1.31□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YER088C-AYER088C-A 324 nt1.3□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 LIN1YHR156C 1023 nt1.3□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YJL015CYJL015C 285 nt1.3□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 TMA10YLR327C 261 nt1.3□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 TIF11YMR260C 462 nt1.3□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YPL080CYPL080C 327 nt1.3□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 ROX1YPR065W 1107 nt1.3□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 NOT5YPR072W 1683 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 SHE4YOR035C 2370 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 NCA2YPR155C 1851 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YJR098CYJR098C 1971 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 snR59snR59 78 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YDR248CYDR248C 582 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 GEP7YGL057C 864 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 RSM27YGR215W 333 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 DFG10YIL049W 762 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YIL102CYIL102C 306 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YLR217WYLR217W 324 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YOL159CYOL159C 516 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 PET123YOR158W 957 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 KAR1YNL188W 1302 nt1.29□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 MLH3YPL164C 2148 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 NUP192YJL039C 5052 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 TDA2YER071C 381 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 RPC25YKL144C 639 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YLR307C-AYLR307C-A 264 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 ICY1YMR195W 384 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YBL083CYBL083C 426 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YDR210W-AYDR210W-A 1317 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YBR012W-AYBR012W-A 1323 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YOR142W-AYOR142W-A 1323 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YOR343W-AYOR343W-A 1317 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 YPR158W-AYPR158W-A 1323 nt1.28□□□□□ -2.2
RTC3P38804 SMY1YKL079W 1971 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YCR043CYCR043C 384 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 FYV12YOR183W 390 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 RTC6YPL183W-A 282 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 TRM3YDL112W 4311 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 RAD9YDR217C 3930 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 DPB11YJL090C 2295 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 RLM1YPL089C 2031 nt1.27□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YLR149CYLR149C 2193 nt1.26□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 IRC2YDR112W 309 nt1.26□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YDR115WYDR115W 318 nt1.26□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YDR537CYDR537C 606 nt1.26□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YFL012W-AYFL012W-A 375 nt1.26□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YGL230CYGL230C 444 nt1.26□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 CAT8YMR280C 4302 nt1.26□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 MSC6YOR354C 2079 nt1.25□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 RNR4YGR180C 1038 nt1.25□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YIL020C-AYIL020C-A 339 nt1.25□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YCL023CYCL023C 348 nt1.25□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 AHC1YOR023C 1701 nt1.25□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 SGD1YLR336C 2700 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YDL068WYDL068W 330 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YER158W-AYER158W-A 216 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 ARV1YLR242C 966 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 SEN15YMR059W 387 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 BRX1YOL077C 876 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 ATP15YPL271W 189 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 EST2YLR318W 2655 nt1.24□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 TAD1YGL243W 1203 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 RPL37AYLR185W 267 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 URA10YMR271C 684 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YOR364WYOR364W 369 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 FMP23YBR047W 528 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YBR224WYBR224W 516 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 SFB2YNL049C 2631 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 MSN5YDR335W 3675 nt1.23□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 NST1YNL091W 3723 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 RTR2YDR066C 591 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YER038W-AYER038W-A 381 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YPT6YLR262C 648 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 COA6YMR244C-A 315 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 YNL226WYNL226W 411 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 PEP3YLR148W 2757 nt1.22□□□□□ -2.21
RTC3P38804 RRI2YOL117W 1938 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
RTC3P38804 PHR1YOR386W 1698 nt1.21□□□□□ -2.22
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 67.2 ms