Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38804

RTC3, Restriction of telomere capping protein 3, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTC3P38804 ATG26YLR189C 3597 nt2.99□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 CTM1YHR109W 1758 nt2.99□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 SSU1YPL092W 1377 nt2.99□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 XRN1YGL173C 4587 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 VTC4YJL012C 2166 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 MYO5YMR109W 3660 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 FAP7YDL166C 594 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 PHD1YKL043W 1101 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 ASI2YNL159C 870 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 DER1YBR201W 636 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 SIN4YNL236W 2925 nt2.98□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 VBA4YDR119W 2307 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 PKH1YDR490C 2301 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 RPA135YPR010C 3612 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 YDR271CYDR271C 372 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 YDR282CYDR282C 1245 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 ERG26YGL001C 1050 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 BCD1YHR040W 1101 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 RIM11YMR139W 1113 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 DSC2YOL073C 969 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 UAF30YOR295W 687 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 THR4YCR053W 1545 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 MGR3YMR115W 1506 nt2.97□□□□□ -1.93
RTC3P38804 MSH2YOL090W 2895 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 PHO81YGR233C 3537 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SHU2YDR078C 672 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YDR161WYDR161W 1164 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 CGR1YGL029W 363 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YIL025CYIL025C 375 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SWD2YKL018W 990 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SUI3YPL237W 858 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 DYN1YKR054C 12279 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 REG1YDR028C 3045 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 POL2YNL262W 6669 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YEL025CYEL025C 3567 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 VPS33YLR396C 2076 nt2.96□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 HMS1YOR032C 1305 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 UBP8YMR223W 1416 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 DUF1YOL087C 3351 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 PSF1YDR013W 627 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RPS8BYER102W 603 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YHR173CYHR173C 339 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 COX19YLL018C-A 297 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SSN8YNL025C 972 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RPS8AYBL072C 603 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 HUB1YNR032C-A 222 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RET3YPL010W 570 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 MSM1YGR171C 1728 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SPT10YJL127C 1923 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RRN6YBL014C 2685 nt2.95□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 MSW1YDR268W 1140 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YOS1YER074W-A 258 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YIL089WYIL089W 618 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 GMH1YKR030W 822 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 FLD1YLR404W 858 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 URA4YLR420W 1095 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 INN1YNL152W 1230 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 TIR2YOR010C 756 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 JSN1YJR091C 3276 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 DSS1YMR287C 2910 nt2.94□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 MSS2YDL107W 1056 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YDR340WYDR340W 303 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SPT2YER161C 1002 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 PUG1YER185W 912 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 FUR1YHR128W 651 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YLR225CYLR225C 1224 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YMR084WYMR084W 789 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 MED11YMR112C 396 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 MOH1YBL049W 417 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YPR203WYPR203W 309 nt2.93□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YIL082W-AYIL082W-A 4497 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YPK3YBR028C 1578 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 MIT1YEL007W 2001 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SSL1YLR005W 1386 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RPA14YDR156W 414 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 IES6YEL044W 501 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RPL1BYGL135W 654 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YOR082CYOR082C 342 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 TUM1YOR251C 915 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RPL1AYPL220W 654 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 MSS4YDR208W 2340 nt2.92□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RPA190YOR341W 4995 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 EPL1YFL024C 2499 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YCL076WYCL076W 744 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 PCL9YDL179W 915 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 UBC8YEL012W 657 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 RPS0AYGR214W 759 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 IME1YJR094C 1083 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YMR310CYMR310C 954 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 GIS2YNL255C 462 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 PNT1YOR266W 1272 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YOR365CYOR365C 2112 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YPR053CYPR053C 456 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 FUN30YAL019W 3396 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YHR080CYHR080C 4038 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YDL199CYDL199C 2064 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SLA1YBL007C 3735 nt2.91□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 FLO5YHR211W 3228 nt2.9□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 SPO14YKR031C 5052 nt2.9□□□□□ -1.94
RTC3P38804 YDR391CYDR391C 699 nt2.9□□□□□ -1.95
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 38.7 ms