Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: O75940

SMNDC1, Survival of motor neuron-related-splicing factor 30, humanhuman


Length 238 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Gene UniProt Accession Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
SMNDC1O75940 DDX39B-220ENST00000482195 1232 ntTSL 29.38□□□□□ -0.919e-9■■■■□ 25.7
SMNDC1O75940 DDX39B-207ENST00000427214 1005 ntTSL 56.25□□□□□ -1.419e-9■■■■□ 25.7
SMNDC1O75940 ENO1-201ENST00000234590 1783 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC12.74□□□□□ -0.371e-6■■■■□ 25.7
SMNDC1O75940 ENO1-206ENST00000497492 647 ntTSL 211.09□□□□□ -0.631e-6■■■■□ 25.7
SMNDC1O75940 CEP170B-202ENST00000414716 6705 ntAPPRIS P2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC16.1■□□□□ 0.171e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 CEP170B-203ENST00000453495 6813 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 5 BASIC16.02■□□□□ 0.151e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 CEP170B-204ENST00000556508 6683 ntTSL 5 BASIC15.6■□□□□ 0.091e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-212ENST00000607471 2004 ntTSL 1 (best)16.61■□□□□ 0.252e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-207ENST00000589119 2772 ntAPPRIS P2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC16.33■□□□□ 0.212e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-209ENST00000592943 1628 ntTSL 1 (best)16.21■□□□□ 0.192e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-201ENST00000269814 1199 ntTSL 5 BASIC15.78■□□□□ 0.122e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-203ENST00000325464 2922 ntAPPRIS P2 TSL 5 BASIC15.76■□□□□ 0.112e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-213ENST00000616387 1078 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC15.68■□□□□ 0.12e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-214ENST00000617672 554 ntTSL 5 BASIC15.06■□□□□ 02e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-210ENST00000606248 3181 ntTSL 1 (best)14.6□□□□□ -0.072e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-202ENST00000312090 3229 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC14.52□□□□□ -0.082e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-204ENST00000395808 3420 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC13.55□□□□□ -0.242e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-205ENST00000586017 1403 ntTSL 1 (best)13.27□□□□□ -0.292e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 MED16-211ENST00000606828 599 ntTSL 1 (best)12.28□□□□□ -0.442e-6■■■■□ 25.6
SMNDC1O75940 SNORA11F-201ENST00000408237 128 ntBASIC3.86□□□□□ -1.791e-85■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 EME2-206ENST00000570069 5613 ntTSL 217.49■□□□□ 0.392e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 EME2-202ENST00000561903 4586 ntTSL 214.81□□□□□ -0.042e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 INCENP-202ENST00000394818 3964 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC13.96□□□□□ -0.172e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 INCENP-201ENST00000278849 3698 ntAPPRIS P3 TSL 5 BASIC13.85□□□□□ -0.192e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 NOP58-207ENST00000478941 508 ntTSL 35.41□□□□□ -1.542e-12■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 PLEKHH3-202ENST00000456950 2406 ntTSL 224.52■■□□□ 1.521e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 PLEKHH3-205ENST00000591196 2640 ntTSL 1 (best)23.57■■□□□ 1.361e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 PLEKHH3-201ENST00000293349 2987 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 5 BASIC21.5■■□□□ 1.031e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 PLEKHH3-204ENST00000591022 2983 ntAPPRIS P2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC21.14■□□□□ 0.971e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 C2CD2-202ENST00000380486 6345 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC20.16■□□□□ 0.823e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CMIP-209ENST00000566513 2288 ntTSL 5 BASIC19.83■□□□□ 0.773e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 PLEKHH3-207ENST00000591490 4339 ntTSL 218.02■□□□□ 0.481e-6■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 WDR37-203ENST00000381329 1307 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC17.88■□□□□ 0.453e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CMIP-201ENST00000398040 2825 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC17.82■□□□□ 0.443e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 WDR37-206ENST00000620998 1303 ntTSL 5 BASIC17.42■□□□□ 0.383e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 NELFA-214ENST00000484545 556 ntTSL 314.98□□□□□ -0.013e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CMIP-208ENST00000566462 3512 ntTSL 4 BASIC14.37□□□□□ -0.113e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 GK-210ENST00000481024 2401 ntTSL 213.78□□□□□ -0.24e-9■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 TNFRSF12A-207ENST00000575836 161 ntTSL 313.76□□□□□ -0.213e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CMIP-202ENST00000537098 4357 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC13.21□□□□□ -0.33e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 GK-205ENST00000378946 3638 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC13.2□□□□□ -0.34e-9■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 GK-203ENST00000378943 3707 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC13.09□□□□□ -0.314e-9■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 GK-204ENST00000378945 2063 ntAPPRIS P3 TSL 1 (best) BASIC13.08□□□□□ -0.324e-9■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CMIP-203ENST00000539778 3937 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC12.94□□□□□ -0.343e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 WDR37-201ENST00000263150 4462 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC12.91□□□□□ -0.343e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 GK-207ENST00000427190 4573 ntTSL 5 BASIC11.9□□□□□ -0.54e-9■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 WDR37-202ENST00000358220 4582 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC10.53□□□□□ -0.723e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CMIP-211ENST00000621537 4000 ntTSL 5 BASIC10.42□□□□□ -0.743e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 WDR37-204ENST00000436154 714 ntTSL 310.17□□□□□ -0.783e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CEP135-201ENST00000257287 5562 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC9.13□□□□□ -0.953e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 TRIM28-208ENST00000597172 577 ntTSL 28.29□□□□□ -1.083e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 CEP135-203ENST00000506202 5129 ntTSL 1 (best)7.72□□□□□ -1.173e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 PLK1-206ENST00000564947 553 ntTSL 310.36□□□□□ -0.757e-7■■■■□ 25.5
SMNDC1O75940 EIF4A1-205ENST00000577738 531 ntTSL 211.38□□□□□ -0.592e-6■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 SF3B3-201ENST00000302516 9720 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC7.78□□□□□ -1.164e-21■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 GTF2A1-201ENST00000298173 1677 ntTSL 222.11■■□□□ 1.132e-20■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 GTF2A1-204ENST00000556268 864 ntTSL 511.26□□□□□ -0.612e-20■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 GTF2A1-203ENST00000553612 6306 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC9.82□□□□□ -0.842e-20■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 GTF2A1-202ENST00000434192 1199 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC8.08□□□□□ -1.122e-20■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNORA79-201ENST00000408376 140 ntBASIC3.6□□□□□ -1.832e-20■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 SNORD10-201ENST00000459579 142 ntBASIC10.73□□□□□ -0.691e-323■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 EIF4A1-204ENST00000577731 574 ntTSL 23.79□□□□□ -1.81e-323■■■■□ 25.4
SMNDC1O75940 RANBP1-207ENST00000423859 832 ntTSL 316.42■□□□□ 0.223e-10■■■■□ 25.3
SMNDC1O75940 RANBP1-203ENST00000411892 584 ntTSL 213.21□□□□□ -0.293e-10■■■■□ 25.3
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BGRL3-201ENST00000270792 1661 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC18.5■□□□□ 0.555e-6■■■■□ 25.3
SMNDC1O75940 SH3BGRL3-202ENST00000319041 768 ntTSL 2 BASIC12.62□□□□□ -0.395e-6■■■■□ 25.3
SMNDC1O75940 CKAP5-212ENST00000533413 3084 ntTSL 1 (best)5.8□□□□□ -1.482e-33■■■■□ 25.3
SMNDC1O75940 SNORD67-201ENST00000390833 111 ntBASIC2.76□□□□□ -1.972e-33■■■■□ 25.3
SMNDC1O75940 RABGGTB-204ENST00000461653 1702 ntTSL 58.37□□□□□ -1.071e-14■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 RABGGTB-211ENST00000489450 586 ntTSL 55.55□□□□□ -1.521e-14■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 EEF1B2-211ENST00000482103 587 ntTSL 29.02□□□□□ -0.971e-51■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 SNORA41-201ENST00000384675 132 ntBASIC5.25□□□□□ -1.571e-51■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 AGAP3-202ENST00000397238 3225 ntAPPRIS P2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC21.2■□□□□ 0.981e-6■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 AGAP3-226ENST00000622464 3121 ntAPPRIS ALT2 TSL 1 (best) BASIC13.18□□□□□ -0.31e-6■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 RNU6-434P-201ENST00000384376 107 ntBASIC5.3□□□□□ -1.567e-14■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 SNHG17-206ENST00000436764 973 ntTSL 5 BASIC15.24■□□□□ 0.035e-10■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 SNHG17-203ENST00000417578 880 ntTSL 2 BASIC14.46□□□□□ -0.095e-10■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 SNHG17-202ENST00000414142 2102 ntTSL 213.38□□□□□ -0.275e-10■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 SNHG17-204ENST00000423536 517 ntTSL 2 BASIC7.55□□□□□ -1.25e-10■■■■□ 25.2
SMNDC1O75940 COPA-202ENST00000368069 4664 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC11.88□□□□□ -0.512e-7■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 COPA-201ENST00000241704 4789 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC11.64□□□□□ -0.552e-7■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 MLLT1-202ENST00000585588 637 ntTSL 314.64□□□□□ -0.075e-8■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 AKT1-212ENST00000555380 534 ntTSL 410.36□□□□□ -0.753e-6■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 EIF4A1-235ENST00000584860 1109 ntTSL 312.24□□□□□ -0.455e-7■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 WDR43-201ENST00000296126 787 ntTSL 56.67□□□□□ -1.343e-84■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 WDR43-204ENST00000440983 541 ntTSL 46.67□□□□□ -1.343e-84■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 SNORD92-201ENST00000585078 85 ntBASIC1.9□□□□□ -2.113e-84■■■■□ 25.1
SMNDC1O75940 RANBP1-202ENST00000402752 1132 ntAPPRIS ALT1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC23.03■■□□□ 1.282e-10■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 RANBP1-210ENST00000435265 1879 ntTSL 217.82■□□□□ 0.442e-10■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 RANBP1-205ENST00000418705 932 ntTSL 314.91□□□□□ -0.022e-10■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 RANBP1-208ENST00000430524 1389 ntTSL 3 BASIC13.01□□□□□ -0.332e-10■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 RANBP1-201ENST00000331821 837 ntAPPRIS P3 TSL 1 (best) BASIC12.65□□□□□ -0.382e-10■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 PIAS3-201ENST00000369298 2761 ntTSL 5 BASIC17.8■□□□□ 0.442e-6■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 PIAS3-207ENST00000475261 2679 ntTSL 1 (best)15.83■□□□□ 0.132e-6■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 PIAS3-206ENST00000472114 2386 ntTSL 412.44□□□□□ -0.422e-6■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 PIAS3-203ENST00000393045 2901 ntAPPRIS P1 TSL 1 (best) BASIC11.59□□□□□ -0.552e-6■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 EEF1D-246ENST00000532741 2387 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC22.01■■□□□ 1.114e-7■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 EEF1D-210ENST00000525223 610 ntTSL 313□□□□□ -0.331e-7■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 EEF1D-234ENST00000530616 749 ntTSL 312.13□□□□□ -0.471e-7■■■■□ 25
SMNDC1O75940 NELFA-216ENST00000542778 2465 ntTSL 1 (best) BASIC18.6■□□□□ 0.574e-7■■■■□ 25
Retrieved 100 of 11,362 protein–RNA pairs in 152.8 ms