Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38428

CUE1, Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 203 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUE1P38428 HMG1YML075C 3165 nt3.53□□□□□ -1.84
CUE1P38428 APC1YNL172W 5247 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 FOX2YKR009C 2703 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YRB30YGL164C 1323 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PIM1YBL022C 3402 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 NOP6YDL213C 678 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 ERV14YGL054C 417 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 SOL4YGR248W 768 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 MRS3YJL133W 945 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RDN5-1RDN5-1 121 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RDN5-6RDN5-6 121 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 NKP2YLR315W 462 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YBL010CYBL010C 843 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 IST1YNL265C 897 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PWR1PWR1 941 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 STB3YDR169C 1542 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 TAF8YML114C 1533 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 ROK1YGL171W 1695 nt3.52□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 SMP3YOR149C 1551 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 CLD1YGR110W 1338 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PTA1YAL043C 2358 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 NPL4YBR170C 1743 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 MOB2YFL034C-B 864 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PXR1YGR280C 816 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YML053CYML053C 639 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 REX4YOL080C 870 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YBR103C-AYBR103C-A 144 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 STU1YBL034C 4542 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 MST1YKL194C 1389 nt3.51□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 VPS45YGL095C 1734 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 LAS1YKR063C 1509 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PHM7YOL084W 2976 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 GVP36YIL041W 981 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 HTA2YBL003C 399 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YLR462WYLR462W 609 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 SUI1YNL244C 327 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 ANT1YPR128C 987 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YBR255C-AYBR255C-A 363 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 SPT23YKL020C 3249 nt3.5□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 MNL1YHR204W 2391 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 CTR86YCR054C 1692 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 BIK1YCL029C 1323 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 SSH1YBR283C 1473 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RXT3YDL076C 885 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 CAF16YFL028C 870 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 COS12YGL263W 1143 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 SNL1YIL016W 480 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 FMP46YKR049C 402 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PSR1YLL010C 1284 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RRP40YOL142W 723 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YPR059CYPR059C 387 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 STP22YCL008C 1158 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 GCR1YPL075W 2358 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 GEM1YAL048C 1989 nt3.49□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 APL4YPR029C 2499 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 TAF6YGL112C 1551 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 FRT2YAL028W 1587 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YDL094CYDL094C 510 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RPC53YDL150W 1269 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PFA5YDR459C 1125 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 FMP10YER182W 735 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RPL24AYGL031C 468 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 MRP13YGR084C 1020 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YLR156WYLR156W 345 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YLR157W-DYLR157W-D 213 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YLR159WYLR159W 345 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YLR161WYLR161W 345 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YML031C-AYML031C-A 336 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RPL18BYNL301C 561 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RPL18AYOL120C 561 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 VPS68YOL129W 555 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YDC1YPL087W 954 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 RER1YCL001W 567 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 AZR1YGR224W 1842 nt3.48□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 GCD1YOR260W 1737 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YJR112W-AYJR112W-A 330 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 CNB1YKL190W 528 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YNL181WYNL181W 1224 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 WRS1YOL097C 1299 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 YOR379CYOR379C 339 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 APP1YNL094W 1764 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PRP31YGR091W 1485 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 BUD8YLR353W 1812 nt3.47□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 TPA1YER049W 1935 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.85
CUE1P38428 PEP7YDR323C 1548 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 ENT5YDR153C 1236 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 HIS6YIL020C 786 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 RSM25YIL093C 795 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 IES3YLR052W 753 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 HEK2YBL032W 1146 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 RPL15BYMR121C 615 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 AST1YBL069W 1290 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 YPR150WYPR150W 522 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 YTM1YOR272W 1383 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 DIT2YDR402C 1470 nt3.46□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 RNY1YPL123C 1305 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 MAF1YDR005C 1188 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 RPS18AYDR450W 441 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 YHI9YHR029C 885 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
CUE1P38428 RPL14AYKL006W 417 nt3.45□□□□□ -1.86
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 78 ms