Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q06469

CUR1, Curing of [URE3] protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 252 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUR1Q06469 YOL150CYOL150C 312 nt2.11□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 SFG1YOR315W 1041 nt2.11□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 NSL1YPL233W 651 nt2.11□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 VMA9YCL005W-A 222 nt2.11□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 ECM25YJL201W 1800 nt2.11□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 TOF1YNL273W 3717 nt2.11□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 SSF1YHR066W 1362 nt2.1□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 DIS3YOL021C 3006 nt2.1□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 IST2YBR086C 2841 nt2.1□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 YLR217WYLR217W 324 nt2.1□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 YBL012CYBL012C 402 nt2.1□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 YCL007CYCL007C 393 nt2.1□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 ECM5YMR176W 4236 nt2.1□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 FMP16YDR070C 282 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 RPL27BYDR471W 411 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 CWC23YGL128C 852 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 YGR242WYGR242W 309 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 YJL086CYJL086C 369 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 YLR224WYLR224W 1110 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 ARR2YPR200C 393 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.07
CUR1Q06469 YNL034WYNL034W 1839 nt2.09□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 PEX8YGR077C 1770 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 PRK1YIL095W 2433 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 RSM18YER050C 417 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 LIN1YHR156C 1023 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YJL133C-AYJL133C-A 225 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YPT6YLR262C 648 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 MUD1YBR119W 897 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 VPH1YOR270C 2523 nt2.08□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 RTT101YJL047C 2529 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YCR100CYCR100C 951 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YDL118WYDL118W 381 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 GPI8YDR331W 1236 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YFR056CYFR056C 369 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 CAP1YKL007W 807 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YAL066WYAL066W 309 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YLR379WYLR379W 375 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 OST2YOR103C 393 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 VPS38YLR360W 1320 nt2.07□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 TOR2YKL203C 7425 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YET1YKL065C 621 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YOR169CYOR169C 465 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 SRL4YPL033C 846 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YMR045CYMR045C 5268 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 KIP1YBL063W 3336 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YJL016WYJL016W 1686 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 COS111YBR203W 2775 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 SET2YJL168C 2202 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 SCH9YHR205W 2475 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 NCB2YDR397C 441 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 TAD1YGL243W 1203 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YGR109W-AYGR109W-A 873 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YGR226CYGR226C 210 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YIL082WYIL082W 873 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 BMT5YIL096C 1011 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YIR020C-BYIR020C-B 735 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YNR021WYNR021W 1215 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 DCP1YOL149W 696 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 SME1YOR159C 285 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 PTC5YOR090C 1719 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 UBR2YLR024C 5619 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 UBP11YKR098C 2154 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 TRL1YJL087C 2484 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 NIC96YFR002W 2520 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 UBC5YDR059C 447 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YGR115CYGR115C 780 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 SDL1YIL167W 633 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 SHE2YKL130C 741 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 ATG38YLR211C 681 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 ADF1YCL058W-A 342 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 RGA1YOR127W 3024 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 MCD1YDL003W 1701 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 15S_rRNA15S_rRNA 1649 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 ASG1YIL130W 2895 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 STD1YOR047C 1335 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 TUS1YLR425W 3924 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YHR050W-AYHR050W-A 171 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 BRX1YOL077C 876 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUR1Q06469 YDR537CYDR537C 606 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 YER158W-AYER158W-A 216 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 FSH1YHR049W 732 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 IPP1YBR011C 864 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 ARL3YPL051W 597 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 YJL181WYJL181W 1836 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 VPS34YLR240W 2628 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 VPS8YAL002W 3825 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 CDC60YPL160W 3273 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 SIR4YDR227W 4077 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 MET18YIL128W 3099 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 AHC2YCR082W 387 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 YGL165CYGL165C 579 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 RAM2YKL019W 951 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 YNL226WYNL226W 411 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 YPL034WYPL034W 498 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 YDR261W-AYDR261W-A 1317 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 REV1YOR346W 2958 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 CDC50YCR094W 1176 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 PBP4YDL053C 558 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 TSA2YDR453C 591 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUR1Q06469 GIM3YNL153C 390 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 32.5 ms