Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38428

CUE1, Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 203 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUE1P38428 YPR089WYPR089W 2667 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 ATG11YPR049C 3537 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 CLN3YAL040C 1743 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 TIF35YDR429C 825 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SLD5YDR489W 885 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 RFA3YJL173C 369 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YLR224WYLR224W 1110 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YML094C-AYML094C-A 402 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 VTI1YMR197C 654 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 TFB6YOR352W 1032 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 RFC5YBR087W 1065 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SCD5YOR329C 2619 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 MSL5YLR116W 1431 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 ART10YLR392C 1557 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 TFC3YAL001C 3483 nt1.89□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 APL5YPL195W 2799 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 UTP5YDR398W 1932 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 DGK1YOR311C 873 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SAP185YJL098W 3177 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 NPR1YNL183C 2373 nt1.88□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 STI1YOR027W 1770 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 AIM32YML050W 936 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 IST2YBR086C 2841 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 NOP14YDL148C 2433 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 MGM1YOR211C 2646 nt1.87□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YDR262WYDR262W 819 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 VTC1YER072W 390 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 PEA2YER149C 1263 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 PCL5YHR071W 690 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 CUP9YPL177C 921 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 BAS1YKR099W 2436 nt1.86□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 HSE1YHL002W 1359 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YCR099CYCR099C 468 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 RUB1YDR139C 234 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 AAD16YFL057C 459 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YGR270C-AYGR270C-A 219 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 CTK2YJL006C 972 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 NEJ1YLR265C 1029 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YML090WYML090W 387 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 PEX27YOR193W 1131 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SRL4YPL033C 846 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 TRM7YBR061C 933 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 RRP15YPR143W 753 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 PSK2YOL045W 3306 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 PSO2YMR137C 1986 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 IPT1YDR072C 1584 nt1.85□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SAP190YKR028W 3102 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 PUT3YKL015W 2940 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SRP1YNL189W 1629 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YDR338CYDR338C 2088 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 RPL22BYFL034C-A 369 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 MIC19YFR011C 513 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YHR052W-AYHR052W-A 195 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YHR054W-AYHR054W-A 195 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YMR158C-AYMR158C-A 138 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SME1YOR159C 285 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YBR197CYBR197C 654 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SHG1YBR258C 429 nt1.84□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YRR1YOR162C 2433 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 RUD3YOR216C 1455 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 ELG1YOR144C 2376 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 ATP16YDL004W 483 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 YGR226CYGR226C 210 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 YHL002C-AYHL002C-A 489 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 RRF1YHR038W 693 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 VPS51YKR020W 495 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 RMP1YLR145W 606 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 YLR379WYLR379W 375 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 MIX23YBL107C 591 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 CUR1YPR158W 759 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 UTP6YDR449C 1323 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 TAE2YPL009C 3117 nt1.83□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 RRP6YOR001W 2202 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 AGC1YPR021C 2709 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 YCR016WYCR016W 873 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 SVP26YHR181W 687 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 SMD2YLR275W 333 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 CCW14YLR390W-A 717 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 YMR144WYMR144W 1029 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 AME1YBR211C 975 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 COS111YBR203W 2775 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 PCK1YKR097W 1650 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 CTF13YMR094W 1437 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 NEO1YIL048W 3456 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 MET18YIL128W 3099 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 FKS1YLR342W 5631 nt1.82□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 NSE4YDL105W 1209 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 ATC1YDR184C 885 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 BUD26YDR241W 288 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 SRB7YDR308C 423 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 IKI1YHR187W 930 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 YIL058WYIL058W 285 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 CAP1YKL007W 807 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 CIN2YPL241C 807 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 PES4YFR023W 1836 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 RTT107YHR154W 3213 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 VPS8YAL002W 3825 nt1.81□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 REV1YOR346W 2958 nt1.8□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 UBP1YDL122W 2430 nt1.8□□□□□ -2.12
CUE1P38428 BUD2YKL092C 3315 nt1.8□□□□□ -2.12
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 55.9 ms