Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38804

RTC3, Restriction of telomere capping protein 3, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTC3P38804 RHB1YCR027C 630 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 MHR1YDR296W 681 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 SPI1YER150W 447 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 MAP2YBL091C 1266 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 YNG1YOR064C 660 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 SAM4YPL273W 978 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 TAF8YML114C 1533 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 STV1YMR054W 2673 nt4.03□□□□□ -1.76
RTC3P38804 VAC7YNL054W 3498 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YMR102CYMR102C 2505 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 SUL2YLR092W 2682 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 NAM2YLR382C 2685 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 ADY2YCR010C 852 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 SYF2YGR129W 648 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 UBI4YLL039C 1146 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YIM1YMR152W 1098 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 OCT1YKL134C 2319 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 SYP1YCR030C 2613 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 ALR2YFL050C 2577 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 RVB1YDR190C 1392 nt4.02□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 AIM10YER087W 1731 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 VHS3YOR054C 2025 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 DAS2YDR020C 699 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YGR153WYGR153W 654 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 REX4YOL080C 870 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YOR318CYOR318C 306 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 MAK3YPR051W 531 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 TEL1YBL088C 8364 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 THI22YPR121W 1719 nt4.01□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 RPN5YDL147W 1338 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 UGA2YBR006W 1494 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 UBC1YDR177W 648 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 BGL2YGR282C 942 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YGR291CYGR291C 222 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 COS6YGR295C 1146 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 GRE3YHR104W 984 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 SYN8YAL014C 768 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 RPL43BYJR094W-A 279 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 ADD66YKL206C 804 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 NAT3YPR131C 588 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YBR298C-AYBR298C-A 222 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 SRS2YJL092W 3525 nt4□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 ATM1YMR301C 2073 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 SKG3YLR187W 3081 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 JHD2YJR119C 2187 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 KIP3YGL216W 2418 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 TFA1YKL028W 1449 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 ARP2YDL029W 1176 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 SPO73YER046W 432 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YER085CYER085C 522 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 FRM2YCL026C-A 582 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 PRP19YLL036C 1512 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 KRE29YER038C 1395 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 KGD1YIL125W 3045 nt3.99□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YGL132WYGL132W 336 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 NAT2YGR147C 867 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 PUS6YGR169C 1215 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 BIO2YGR286C 1128 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YNL174WYNL174W 573 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 GSP2YOR185C 663 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 BDP1YNL039W 1785 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 PTR3YFR029W 2037 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 RNA14YMR061W 2034 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 BUD7YOR299W 2241 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 KRE5YOR336W 4098 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 RGP1YDR137W 1992 nt3.98□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 DXO1YDR370C 1329 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 RIP1YEL024W 648 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 YJL218WYJL218W 591 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 ELF1YKL160W 438 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 TPP1YMR156C 717 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 MCD4YKL165C 2760 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 TRK1YJL129C 3708 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 EUG1YDR518W 1554 nt3.97□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 PUT1YLR142W 1431 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.77
RTC3P38804 TOG1YER184C 2385 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 OCA4YCR095C 1089 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 MF(ALPHA)2YGL089C 363 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 MLC1YGL106W 450 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 MRPL13YKR006C 795 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 CKB2YOR039W 777 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 NHP6AYPR052C 282 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 YPR109WYPR109W 885 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 ARC40YBR234C 1155 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 BOI2YER114C 3123 nt3.96□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 COT1YOR316C 1320 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 ISR1YPR106W 1332 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 YJR015WYJR015W 1533 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 RCK2YLR248W 1833 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 YPR003CYPR003C 2265 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 PRP9YDL030W 1593 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)CtK(CUU)C 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)D1tK(CUU)D1 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)D2tK(CUU)D2 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)E1tK(CUU)E1 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)E2tK(CUU)E2 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)FtK(CUU)F 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)G1tK(CUU)G1 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)G2tK(CUU)G2 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
RTC3P38804 tK(CUU)G3tK(CUU)G3 73 nt3.95□□□□□ -1.78
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 16.8 ms