Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P32588

PUB1, Nuclear and cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA-binding protein PUB1, yeastyeast

Known RBP RIP-Chip data

Length 453 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
PUB1P32588 ECM32YER176W 3366 nt3.8□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 SEC6YIL068C 2418 nt3.8□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 YLR177WYLR177W 1887 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 TRM44YPL030W 1704 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 BAT1YHR208W 1182 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YHR212CYHR212C 336 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 YAR060CYAR060C 336 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 YLR364C-AYLR364C-A 123 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 RPL16BYNL069C 597 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 YNL179CYNL179C 438 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 HSP10YOR020C 321 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 EGD1YPL037C 474 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 FAS2YPL231W 5664 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 DBP6YNR038W 1890 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 PRK1YIL095W 2433 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 YKL100CYKL100C 1764 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YDR338CYDR338C 2088 nt3.79□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 COX1Q0045 1605 nt3.78□□□□□ -1.8 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 LYS2YBR115C 4179 nt3.78□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 YOR329W-AYOR329W-A 210 nt3.78□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 GCR1YPL075W 2358 nt3.78□□□□□ -1.8
PUB1P32588 TRX3YCR083W 384 nt3.77□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 ADK1YDR226W 669 nt3.77□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 ERG28YER044C 447 nt3.77□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 RPL14AYKL006W 417 nt3.77□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YCF1YDR135C 4548 nt3.77□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 CEP3YMR168C 1827 nt3.77□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 TAF7YMR227C 1773 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 SKM1YOL113W 1968 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 VID28YIL017C 2766 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YDR340WYDR340W 303 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 FMP46YKR049C 402 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 FLO8YER109C 2400 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 RNA14YMR061W 2034 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 TIF4632YGL049C 2745 nt3.76□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 SSH4YKL124W 1740 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YCR081C-AYCR081C-A 237 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YEL018C-AYEL018C-A 534 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YEL075CYEL075C 369 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YER189WYER189W 369 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 RPC10YHR143W-A 213 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 PHM7YOL084W 2976 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 PFY1YOR122C 381 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 MF(ALPHA)1YPL187W 498 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 ULS1YOR191W 4860 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 SMI1YGR229C 1518 nt3.75□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YEL1YBL060W 2064 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 APC5YOR249C 2058 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 RPS13YDR064W 456 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 PAU2YEL049W 363 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 EMP70YLR083C 2004 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YLR154W-EYLR154W-E 204 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 VAC14YLR386W 2643 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 LSM2YBL026W 288 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YPL080CYPL080C 327 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YPL278CYPL278C 303 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 ADP1YCR011C 3150 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 FKH2YNL068C 2589 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 PTA1YAL043C 2358 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 SGO1YOR073W 1773 nt3.74□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 BFA1YJR053W 1725 nt3.73□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 VTC1YER072W 390 nt3.73□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 FMP10YER182W 735 nt3.73□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YBL053WYBL053W 375 nt3.73□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YPR136CYPR136C 513 nt3.73□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 GDE1YPL110C 3672 nt3.73□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 HFA1YMR207C 6372 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 ECM25YJL201W 1800 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 COG8YML071C 1824 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 DPH6YLR143W 2058 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 PTR3YFR029W 2037 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 VHS3YOR054C 2025 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YER188C-AYER188C-A 300 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 BCD1YHR040W 1101 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 YIL102CYIL102C 306 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 ORC2YBR060C 1863 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 RAD1YPL022W 3303 nt3.72□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 KRI1YNL308C 1776 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.81
PUB1P32588 TRS85YDR108W 2097 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 KIN82YCR091W 2163 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 TGL4YKR089C 2733 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 DAD4YDR320C-A 219 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 MTC3YGL226W 372 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YOL085W-AYOL085W-A 213 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 YOR072W-AYOR072W-A 249 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 RPL36BYPL249C-A 303 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 NTC20YBR188C 423 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 TPO2YGR138C 1845 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 VMA1YDL185W 3216 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 PDR5YOR153W 4536 nt3.71□□□□□ -1.82 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 FLC1YPL221W 2382 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 PIM1YBL022C 3402 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 STV1YMR054W 2673 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 LYP1YNL268W 1836 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 MRP10YDL045W-A 288 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YKL111CYKL111C 336 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 SHH3YMR118C 591 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 YHR078WYHR078W 1659 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 LCB4YOR171C 1875 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82
PUB1P32588 HUL4YJR036C 2679 nt3.7□□□□□ -1.82
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 65.2 ms