RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YLR303W

MET17, Transcript of O-acetyl homoserine-O-acetyl serine sulfhydrylase, yeastyeast

Gene MET17, Length 1,335 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MET17YLR303W KAR3P17119 729 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PPH22P23595 377 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ROX1P25042 368 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PHO84P25297 587 aaKnown RBP4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W MCM10P32354 571 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ARP2P32381 391 aaKnown RBP4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W IME2P32581 645 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W CNS1P33313 385 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SRB2P34162 210 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W LOT5P34234 306 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W NUP120P35729 1037 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YKL050CP35736 922 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W GMH1P36125 273 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W GLG1P36143 616 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PIM1P36775 1133 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ECM13P38195 257 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SIF2P38262 535 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YBR138CP38277 524 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W TMA108P40462 946 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W BST1P43571 1029 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W STU2P46675 888 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W IMA1P53051 589 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W VPS75P53853 264 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SMX3P54999 86 aaPredicted RBP4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W TRS23Q03784 219 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W VTI1Q04338 217 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SPG3Q04398 127 aaPredicted RBP4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W MFB1Q04922 465 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W HRD3Q05787 833 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W BSP1Q06604 576 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W AIM6Q07716 390 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W GRC3Q07845 632 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W VPS54Q12071 889 aa4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W MEX67Q99257 599 aaKnown RBP4.24□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PAB1P04147 577 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data4.23□□□□□ -1.73not detected
MET17YLR303W YIH1P25637 258 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SEC1P30619 724 aaKnown RBP4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W RPC37P36121 282 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PXL1P36166 706 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W RKM3P38222 552 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W IFA38P38286 347 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ARP1P38696 384 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W FHL1P39521 936 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YEL075CP39972 122 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W MNT3P40549 630 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PMT6P42934 759 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PHO86P46956 311 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ZAP1P47043 880 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W RTT101P47050 842 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PRP24P49960 444 aaKnown RBP4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YGR111WP53265 400 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W COQ6P53318 479 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YNR061CP53747 219 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W NGL2Q03264 515 aaKnown RBP4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W GYL1Q04322 720 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ERV41Q04651 352 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YML053CQ04978 212 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W VID22Q05934 901 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SIL1Q08199 421 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W CLP1Q08685 445 aaPredicted RBP4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ATG9Q12142 997 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YLR422WQ06409 1932 aa4.23□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W RPB4P20433 221 aaPredicted RBP4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W DBF4P32325 704 aa4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W URA8P38627 578 aaPredicted RBP4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SNZ3P43545 298 aa4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YIP4P53093 235 aa4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PEX31P53203 462 aa4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SNZ2P53824 298 aa4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W LGE1Q02796 332 aaKnown RBP4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W RTN1Q04947 295 aaKnown RBP4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W DIS3Q08162 1001 aaKnown RBP4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W CIR2Q08822 631 aa4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W COX17Q12287 69 aa4.22□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W HIS1P00498 297 aaKnown RBP4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W RAD3P06839 778 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YPK1P12688 680 aaKnown RBP4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PUT4P15380 627 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W CDC43P18898 376 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W PHO13P19881 312 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W KIN3P22209 435 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ECM32P32644 1121 aaKnown RBP4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SDH8P38345 138 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W RTT107P38850 1070 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W YJL206CP39529 758 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ARB1P40024 610 aaKnown RBP4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W ATP22P50273 684 aaPredicted RBP4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W BUD17P53727 317 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W IVY1Q04934 453 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W TRM8Q12009 286 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W SEY1Q99287 776 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.73
MET17YLR303W MER1P16523 270 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W SPO12P17123 173 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W NFU1P32860 256 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W MRP4P32902 394 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W LTV1P34078 463 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W PEX5P35056 612 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W MRPL40P36534 297 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W PRM9P39551 298 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
MET17YLR303W YER010CP40011 234 aa4.21□□□□□ -1.74
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 99.2 ms