RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YAR003W

SWD1, Transcript of Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex, yeastyeast

Gene SWD1, Length 1,281 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
SWD1YAR003W LRP1P38801 184 aaKnown RBP6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W STN1P38960 494 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W RPS14BP39516 138 aaKnown RBP6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W OSW5P40219 148 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W HOS4P40480 1083 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W FAR3P46671 204 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W PRY1P47032 299 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W TAF6P53040 516 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W MNT2P53059 558 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W IST1P53843 298 aaPredicted RBP6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YNL058CP53947 316 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W MRS2Q01926 470 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YMR178WQ03219 274 aaKnown RBP6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W SLD7Q08457 257 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W SPE4Q12455 300 aa6.67□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YMR084WA2P2R3 262 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W MSH1P25846 959 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W MF(ALPHA)2P32435 120 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YKL097CP34245 136 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W GDT1P38301 280 aaPredicted RBP6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YHR182WP38870 785 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W SEO1P39709 593 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W HAT2P39984 401 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W ALG8P40351 577 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W TEL2P53038 688 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W VEL1P53058 206 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W BUD9P53226 547 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W UBX4P54730 416 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W TFB2Q02939 513 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W NHP10Q03435 203 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W CLU1Q03690 1277 aaKnown RBP6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W NUT2Q06213 157 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W VTA1Q06263 330 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W TDA5Q06417 326 aaKnown RBP6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W HRK1Q08732 759 aaKnown RBP6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YOR338WQ99326 363 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W FRT1Q99332 602 aa6.66□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W RAD3P06839 778 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W MSF1P08425 469 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W SBP1P10080 294 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W ABF1P14164 731 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W HSP26P15992 214 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data6.65□□□□□ -1.34not detected
SWD1YAR003W FPR1P20081 114 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W SEC14P24280 304 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W RPC19P28000 142 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W PYC2P32327 1180 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W IRS4P36115 615 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W LDB7P38210 180 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YBR259WP38338 688 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W PPX1P38698 397 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W GDH3P39708 457 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YJR061WP40355 935 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W IME4P41833 600 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W TES1P41903 349 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W ARC1P46672 376 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W COG1P53079 417 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W NMA2P53204 395 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W BIO5P53744 561 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W PEX13P80667 386 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YML119WQ03208 357 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W YMR209CQ03648 457 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W CIA1Q05583 330 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W CHS5Q12114 671 aaKnown RBP6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W PER33Q12144 273 aa6.65□□□□□ -1.34
SWD1YAR003W BEM3P32873 1128 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W PHO89P38361 574 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W SRP72P38688 640 aaKnown RBP6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W UTP9P38882 575 aaKnown RBP6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W MNN1P39106 762 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W RPH1P39956 796 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W TDA10P42938 290 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W YFR018CP43599 363 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W RMD8P43620 662 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W GLG2P47011 380 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W NNF1P47149 201 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W NUP84P52891 726 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W PAN2P53010 1115 aaPredicted RBP6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W EMC4P53073 190 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W BUD32P53323 261 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W YNR061CP53747 219 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W VAC7P53950 1165 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W OSH6Q02201 448 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W YDR132CQ03900 495 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W SHE9Q04172 456 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W CRN1Q06440 651 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W IRC10Q08118 586 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W NUS1Q12063 375 aa6.64□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W HEM2P05373 342 aa6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W NMT1P14743 455 aa6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W AMD1P15274 810 aaKnown RBP6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W UBA1P22515 1024 aaKnown RBP6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W TRX2P22803 104 aaKnown RBP6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W YCR099CP25657 155 aa6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W BRF1P29056 596 aa6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W PRP18P33411 251 aaPredicted RBP6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W ASK1P35734 292 aa6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W RRN3P36070 627 aa6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W ALY1P36117 915 aa6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W RIX1P38883 763 aaPredicted RBP6.63□□□□□ -1.35
SWD1YAR003W OAF1P39720 1047 aaPredicted RBP6.63□□□□□ -1.35
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 35.3 ms