RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YAR003W

SWD1, Transcript of Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex, yeastyeast

Gene SWD1, Length 1,281 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
SWD1YAR003W ERP2P39704 215 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W BTT1P40314 149 aaPredicted RBP6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W QDR2P40474 542 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W INA22P40576 216 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W MNN11P46985 422 aaKnown RBP6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W SLG1P54867 378 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W BET4Q00618 327 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W SPG3Q04398 127 aaPredicted RBP6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W YDR278CQ05612 105 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W YDR018CQ12185 396 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W RMP1Q12530 201 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W SEY1Q99287 776 aa6.9□□□□□ -1.3
SWD1YAR003W PAB1P04147 577 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data6.89□□□□□ -1.31not detected
SWD1YAR003W PDC5P16467 563 aaKnown RBP6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W MRPL33P20084 86 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W URK1P27515 501 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W GCD6P32501 712 aaKnown RBP6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W DSS4P32601 143 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W LTV1P34078 463 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PRM9P39551 298 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W SAW1P39735 261 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YJR079WP47126 109 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PCL10P53124 433 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W CEG1Q01159 459 aaPredicted RBP6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W GCN5Q03330 439 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PIG1Q06216 648 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PMT7Q06644 662 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W SVS1Q12254 260 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W IZH4Q99393 312 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W UBR2Q07963 1872 aa6.89□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W QCR6P00127 147 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YIH1P25637 258 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YKR051WP36142 418 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W LAS1P36146 502 aaPredicted RBP6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PBP2P38151 413 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data6.88□□□□□ -1.31not detected
SWD1YAR003W DIA4P38705 446 aaPredicted RBP6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W CKB2P38930 258 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W FHL1P39521 936 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W FLC2P39719 783 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W MIC19P43594 170 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W ATG36P46983 293 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YJL132WP47014 750 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W UTP8P53276 713 aaKnown RBP6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W KTR6P54070 446 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W VPS9P54787 451 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RNT1Q02555 471 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W HER2Q03557 464 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W AIM32Q04689 311 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W ECM22Q05958 814 aaPredicted RBP6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YLL056CQ12177 298 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W EFG1Q3E705 233 aaKnown RBP6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W VPS13Q07878 3144 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W TAO3P40468 2376 aa6.88□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W HIS1P00498 297 aaKnown RBP6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W SPE1P08432 466 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W HMG2P12684 1045 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W VMA3P25515 160 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PLC1P32383 869 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RAD5P32849 1169 aaPredicted RBP6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YBR225WP38321 900 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W LAM1P38851 1228 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W NUP60P39705 539 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PRK1P40494 810 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W MAF1P41910 395 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W NMD5P46970 1048 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RFX1P48743 811 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PSP1P50896 841 aaKnown RBP6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W CPR6P53691 371 aaKnown RBP6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W DOS2P54858 310 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W INA17Q02888 182 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W MSH6Q03834 1242 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W AAD15Q08361 143 aa6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W SPE3Q12074 293 aaKnown RBP6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RUD3Q12234 484 aaKnown RBP6.87□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RAD10P06838 210 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W MET16P18408 261 aaPredicted RBP6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PRP9P19736 530 aaKnown RBP6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PEX1P24004 1043 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PUF4P25339 888 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data6.86□□□□□ -1.31not detected
SWD1YAR003W MGT1P26188 188 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PEP7P32609 515 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W ECM13P38195 257 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W SIF2P38262 535 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W FSH1P38777 243 aaKnown RBP6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W PEX28P38848 579 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W NMD3P38861 518 aaKnown RBP6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W AIM18P38884 321 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RAD26P40352 1085 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W UFE1P41834 346 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YNL320WP42840 284 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W CNN1P43618 361 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RTT101P47050 842 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YJR039WP47107 1121 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W RTA1P53047 317 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YNR014WP53719 212 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W COG6P53959 839 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YNL034WP53963 612 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W YNL018CP53976 612 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W NSE5Q03718 556 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
SWD1YAR003W ACM1Q08981 209 aa6.86□□□□□ -1.31
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 22.6 ms