Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03482

YDR210W, Cysteine-rich and transmembrane domain-containing protein YDR210W, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 75 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
YDR210WQ03482 UBI4YLL039C 1146 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
YDR210WQ03482 ETT1YOR051C 1239 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
YDR210WQ03482 SER1YOR184W 1188 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
YDR210WQ03482 TOM5YPR133W-A 153 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
YDR210WQ03482 POP4YBR257W 840 nt2.59□□□□□ -1.99
YDR210WQ03482 TOG1YER184C 2385 nt2.59□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 GUS1YGL245W 2127 nt2.59□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 KGD1YIL125W 3045 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MCD4YKL165C 2760 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 RNA14YMR061W 2034 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ULS1YOR191W 4860 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 RAM1YDL090C 1296 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SPO73YER046W 432 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PUS6YGR169C 1215 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 BGL2YGR282C 942 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 NSG1YHR133C 876 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 NTR2YKR022C 969 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 TRM10YOL093W 882 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 QCR2YPR191W 1107 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ASA1YPR085C 1332 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 TRK1YJL129C 3708 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 FUI1YBL042C 1920 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ATG18YFR021W 1503 nt2.58□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MSH1YHR120W 2880 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 RPN12YFR052W 825 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ARO2YGL148W 1131 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 BIO2YGR286C 1128 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 REX4YOL080C 870 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 RPL3YOR063W 1164 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MRI1YPR118W 1236 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 TUB2YFL037W 1374 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ADE4YMR300C 1533 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PRR1YKL116C 1557 nt2.57□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SRO7YPR032W 3102 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YPR003CYPR003C 2265 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MF(ALPHA)2YGL089C 363 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SEH1YGL100W 1050 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YJL218WYJL218W 591 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ELF1YKL160W 438 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PAU17YLL025W 375 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 FRM2YCL026C-A 582 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ISR1YPR106W 1332 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 LAP3YNL239W 1365 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SMP1YBR182C 1359 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PRP19YLL036C 1512 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PRP9YDL030W 1593 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 HXT14YNL318C 1623 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 CDC14YFR028C 1656 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 RIM4YHL024W 2142 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ECM22YLR228C 2445 nt2.56□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YCR006CYCR006C 474 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 OCA4YCR095C 1089 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PEX7YDR142C 1128 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MNN10YDR245W 1182 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YGL132WYGL132W 336 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YIR017W-AYIR017W-A 600 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 RPB4YJL140W 666 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 KTI12YKL110C 942 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 IES3YLR052W 753 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MRPL4YLR439W 960 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SEG1YMR086W 2883 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YRM1YOR172W 2361 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MIS1YBR084W 2928 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YCL012CYCL012C 405 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 UPC2YDR213W 2742 nt2.55□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PTR3YFR029W 2037 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YOL075CYOL075C 3885 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 JEM1YJL073W 1938 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 GCD1YOR260W 1737 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 BUD22YMR014W 1560 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 LYS2YBR115C 4179 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 COT1YOR316C 1320 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ECM34YHL043W 513 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 VPS29YHR012W 849 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 GPP1YIL053W 753 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YAL044W-AYAL044W-A 333 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SCP1YOR367W 603 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 YBR103C-AYBR103C-A 144 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 GPI10YGL142C 1851 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PTR2YKR093W 1806 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 RAD54YGL163C 2697 nt2.54□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 DBP3YGL078C 1572 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SLM5YCR024C 1479 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 SLD2YKL108W 1362 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 MET17YLR303W 1335 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 ALR2YFL050C 2577 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 BUD5YCR038C 1929 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 NUS1YDL193W 1128 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 FMP10YER182W 735 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 THI5YFL058W 1023 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 TRX2YGR209C 315 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 tR(ACG)JtR(ACG)J 73 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PEX22YAL055W 543 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 PAM18YLR008C 507 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 THI12YNL332W 1023 nt2.53□□□□□ -2
YDR210WQ03482 TAF6YGL112C 1551 nt2.53□□□□□ -2.01
YDR210WQ03482 SUP35YDR172W 2058 nt2.53□□□□□ -2.01
YDR210WQ03482 MNN4YKL201C 3537 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
YDR210WQ03482 RCM1YNL022C 1473 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
YDR210WQ03482 UGA2YBR006W 1494 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 63.3 ms