RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YGL073W

HSF1, Transcript of Trimeric heat shock transcription factor, yeastyeast

Gene HSF1, Length 2,502 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
HSF1YGL073W YNL260CP53846 198 aa5.36□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YPL071CQ02864 156 aa5.36□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W FIN1Q03898 291 aa5.36□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W RTT10Q08924 1013 aa5.36□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W PHO84P25297 587 aaKnown RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W ASF2P32448 525 aaPredicted RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W HIS7P33734 552 aaKnown RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W DHR2P36009 735 aaPredicted RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W GDS1P41913 522 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W SNX4P47057 423 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W DIE2P50076 525 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YNL140CP53910 189 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TIM11P81449 96 aaPredicted RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W OAZ1Q02803 292 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W RSC3Q06639 885 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W CLP1Q08685 445 aaPredicted RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TFB4Q12004 338 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YPQ1Q12010 308 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W CLN2P20438 545 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W PEX34P25584 144 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W HXT4P32467 576 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W PMT1P33775 817 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YKL063CP35725 167 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W PIM1P36775 1133 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W STP2P38704 541 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W JHD1P40034 492 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YIL161WP40449 235 aaKnown RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YGR201CP42936 225 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W MDV1P47025 714 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YJL049WP47048 450 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YSA1Q01976 231 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W NUP116Q02630 1113 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W NSE5Q03718 556 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W RRP45Q05636 305 aaKnown RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W RGC1Q06108 1083 aaKnown RBP5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W BSC1Q12140 328 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YOR019WQ99248 730 aa5.35□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W AI4P03878 556 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W RPC40P07703 335 aaKnown RBP5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-LR1P0C2J4 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-FP0CX61 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-GR2P0CX62 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-CP25383 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W ARE1P25628 610 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W GCS1P35197 352 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W MNN5P46982 586 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YJR030CP47101 745 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W NNF1P47149 201 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YGR067CP53243 804 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W IMP4P53941 290 aaKnown RBP5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-DR2Q03483 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YMR087WQ04299 284 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W YMR034CQ05131 434 aaPredicted RBP5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W DIN7Q12086 430 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-BQ12260 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-OR2Q12293 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-DR1Q12392 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-OR1Q12439 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W SFG1Q12507 346 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W TY2A-DR3Q99303 438 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W STT4P37297 1900 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.55
HSF1YGL073W SIR3P06701 978 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W SBE22P38814 852 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W NVJ1P38881 321 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W QDR2P40474 542 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W AAD14P42884 376 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W IRC18P47056 224 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W MNT2P53059 558 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W MRPL50P53724 139 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W YAT1P80235 687 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W OPT2Q06593 877 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W RTR2Q12378 196 aa5.34□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W NOP56Q12460 504 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data5.34□□□□□ -1.56not detected
HSF1YGL073W PDE2P06776 526 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W MSF1P08425 469 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W MER1P16523 270 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W YIM1P28625 365 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W GSH1P32477 678 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W TOD6P34219 525 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W PCL5P38794 229 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W GGC1P38988 300 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W MIT1P40002 666 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W SNM1P40993 198 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W YGR210CP42942 411 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W CHA4P43634 648 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W HST3P53687 447 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W ASR1Q06834 288 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W PEX27Q08580 376 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W YOR238WQ08634 303 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W YPR011CQ12251 326 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W CYC1P00044 109 aaPredicted RBP5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W LEU4P06208 619 aaKnown RBP5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W SEN2P16658 377 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W ATG22P25568 528 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W NIC96P34077 839 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W SCO2P38072 301 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W ATG14P38270 344 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W MDM31P38880 579 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W CCT6P39079 546 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
HSF1YGL073W TEN1Q07921 160 aa5.33□□□□□ -1.56
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 140.2 ms