RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YOL081W

IRA2, Transcript of GTPase-activating protein, yeastyeast

Gene IRA2, Length 9,240 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
IRA2YOL081W CIT3P43635 486 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ADA2Q02336 434 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MRX10Q05648 414 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W REP2P03872 296 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ARD1P07347 238 aaPredicted RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MPH3P0CE00 602 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W TRM2P33753 639 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MCR1P36060 302 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W NCL1P38205 684 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YHL041WP38730 149 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W SLZ1P40167 298 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MDE1P47095 244 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W HOL1P53389 586 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MUM3Q08750 479 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W FAL1Q12099 399 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ATP16Q12165 160 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W EDE1P34216 1381 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ATP2P00830 511 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RPP0P05317 312 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RAD7P06779 565 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W PHO8P11491 566 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W HBS1P32769 611 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YKR015CP36111 568 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W CAF4P36130 643 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W LAS1P36146 502 aaPredicted RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YHL008CP38750 627 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RCY1P39531 840 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W DAK2P43550 591 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W FAR3P46671 204 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RMD9P53140 646 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W DRN1P53255 507 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YNR029CP53729 429 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W TOF2Q02208 771 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RRP45Q05636 305 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W GPR1Q12361 961 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W SCEIP03882 235 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W VPS33P20795 691 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RNA14P25298 677 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MSP1P28737 362 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W PDC2P32896 925 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W TRZ1P36159 838 aaPredicted RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W LSG1P53145 640 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W UTP6Q02354 440 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W IRC4Q03036 179 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W GPI17Q04080 534 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YMR027WQ04371 470 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MGR3Q04472 501 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W SPO75Q07798 868 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W VAM3Q12241 283 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W AI3P03877 415 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W HEM2P05373 342 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W HVG1P0CE11 249 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ATE1P16639 503 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W DAL2P25335 343 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W NUD1P32336 851 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W SSO2P39926 295 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W THI12P42883 340 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W THI5P43534 340 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YJR054WP47114 497 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W THI11P47183 340 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RPS7BP48164 190 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ATP22P50273 684 aaPredicted RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W THI13Q07748 340 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W OXR1Q08952 273 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W TYW1Q08960 810 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W VMA5P31412 392 aaKnown RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YBR138CP38277 524 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YBP1P38315 674 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W POP4P38336 279 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W NPR2P39923 615 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W CAB2P40506 365 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W OYE3P41816 400 aaPredicted RBP2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W MIC19P43594 170 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W AAH1P53909 347 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W SPP1Q03012 353 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W EAR1Q03212 550 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YDR239CQ03780 787 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W GIS4Q04233 774 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W APM4Q99186 491 aa2.36□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W BUD5P25300 642 aaPredicted RBP2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W GID7P25569 745 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W OCA5P38738 679 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W EXO1P39875 702 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ALT1P52893 592 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W STR3P53101 465 aaKnown RBP2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W YGR168CP53293 376 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W IST1P53843 298 aaPredicted RBP2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W WAR1Q03631 944 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W THP2O13539 261 aaKnown RBP2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W GPH1P06738 902 aaKnown RBP2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W DPB2P24482 689 aaPredicted RBP2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W SWE1P32944 819 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W PPS1P38148 807 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ALP1P38971 573 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W ACA1P39970 489 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RGI1P40043 161 aaPredicted RBP2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W TRM9P49957 279 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W PRM1P53835 661 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W NDE2Q07500 545 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
IRA2YOL081W RSA1Q08932 381 aa2.35□□□□□ -2.03
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 12.6 ms