Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: Q03482

YDR210W, Cysteine-rich and transmembrane domain-containing protein YDR210W, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 75 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
YDR210WQ03482 CWC24YLR323C 780 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 ANT1YPR128C 987 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 VMA9YCL005W-A 222 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 BNI1YNL271C 5862 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 MRD1YPR112C 2664 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YRR1YOR162C 2433 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 CLD1YGR110W 1338 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YLR446WYLR446W 1302 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 BEM4YPL161C 1902 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YOL098CYOL098C 3114 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YDL032WYDL032W 312 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YEL028WYEL028W 462 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 RPB9YGL070C 369 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 BNS1YGR230W 414 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YIL174WYIL174W 228 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YJL222W-AYJL222W-A 228 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 GPI14YJR013W 1212 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YSF3YNL138W-A 258 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YOR331CYOR331C 558 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 VPS64YDR200C 1815 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 HSC82YMR186W 2118 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 RGL1YPL066W 1440 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 FRE8YLR047C 2061 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 RDI1YDL135C 609 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 PCL9YDL179W 915 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YOS1YER074W-A 258 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 ERV14YGL054C 417 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 MRPL9YGR220C 810 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 IKI1YHR187W 930 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 ATG27YJL178C 816 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YKL177WYKL177W 339 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YML037CYML037C 1023 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YOR263CYOR263C 408 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 ARO7YPR060C 771 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 YDR179W-AYDR179W-A 1392 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 BOI1YBL085W 2943 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 SNX41YDR425W 1878 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 SEN54YPL083C 1404 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 DNA2YHR164C 4569 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 AEP3YPL005W 1821 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.18
YDR210WQ03482 FKS3YMR306W 5358 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 STH1YIL126W 4080 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 MUS81YDR386W 1899 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 RPN4YDL020C 1596 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 PBI1YPL272C 1554 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 HMO1YDR174W 741 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 HTA1YDR225W 399 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 UTP30YKR060W 825 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 ATG34YOL083W 1239 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 CNS1YBR155W 1158 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 SEC26YDR238C 2922 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 SIP3YNL257C 3690 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YNL018CYNL018C 1839 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 VAC8YEL013W 1737 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 COS111YBR203W 2775 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 SCP160YJL080C 3669 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 RTT10YPL183C 3042 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 ELG1YOR144C 2376 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 SCL1YGL011C 759 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 RPL14BYHL001W 417 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 RRF1YHR038W 693 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 LSM8YJR022W 330 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YAL031W-AYAL031W-A 309 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 EMC2YJR088C 879 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YLR339CYLR339C 552 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 SAS2YMR127C 1017 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 HAT1YPL001W 1125 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 BMT2YBR141C 1014 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YPL150WYPL150W 2706 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 MCD1YDL003W 1701 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 PMS1YNL082W 2622 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 RNY1YPL123C 1305 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 HBT1YDL223C 3141 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YCR045W-AYCR045W-A 351 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 NHP10YDL002C 612 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YGR073CYGR073C 372 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 RPL24BYGR148C 468 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 DOG1YHR044C 741 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 TTI2YJR136C 1266 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 BOS1YLR078C 735 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 PRE8YML092C 753 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 SLP1YOR154W 1764 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 MSH4YFL003C 2637 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 CWH41YGL027C 2502 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 ATP22YDR350C 2055 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 snR70snR70 164 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YGL159WYGL159W 1113 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YGR050CYGR050C 357 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YIL068W-AYIL068W-A 384 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 EBP2YKL172W 1284 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 PAU23YLR037C 375 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 JIP3YLR331C 378 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 PDR3YBL005W 2931 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 CTK1YKL139W 1587 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 DNL4YOR005C 2835 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 IRA2YOL081W 9240 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 GIN4YDR507C 3429 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 NUP100YKL068W 2880 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 YLR108CYLR108C 1458 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
YDR210WQ03482 SNU114YKL173W 3027 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 17.6 ms