Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38804

RTC3, Restriction of telomere capping protein 3, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTC3P38804 MPS2YGL075C 1164 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YGL138CYGL138C 1038 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 SYS1YJL004C 612 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YML047W-AYML047W-A 366 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 DDI3YNL335W 678 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 THI80YOR143C 960 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 SHQ1YIL104C 1524 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 NUM1YDR150W 8247 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 PBS2YJL128C 2007 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YER066C-AYER066C-A 501 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 BRR6YGL247W 594 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 CIR1YGR207C 786 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YNL162W-AYNL162W-A 219 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 MDJ2YNL328C 441 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 ATP3YBR039W 936 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 GRX1YCL035C 333 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 PAM1YDR251W 2493 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 RLI1YDR091C 1827 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 SUL1YBR294W 2580 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 PSD2YGR170W 3417 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YNL011CYNL011C 1335 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 MED2YDL005C 1296 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 RNH202YDR279W 1053 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YGL159WYGL159W 1113 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 SAY1YGR263C 1275 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YHL006W-AYHL006W-A 354 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 PPX1YHR201C 1194 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 POS5YPL188W 1245 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YSA1YBR111C 696 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YGL176CYGL176C 1665 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 TRS130YMR218C 3309 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 APC5YOR249C 2058 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 AVT5YBL089W 1380 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 KRE33YNL132W 3171 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 HFD1YMR110C 1599 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 NMD2YHR077C 3270 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 VHR1YIL056W 1923 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YGL152CYGL152C 678 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 COX23YHR116W 456 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 PCL7YIL050W 858 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 RGI2YIL057C 495 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YIL161WYIL161W 708 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 GTT1YIR038C 705 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YBL096CYBL096C 309 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 TPT1YOL102C 693 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 MCT1YOR221C 1083 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 GPI2YPL076W 843 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 snR42snR42 351 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YCL001W-AYCL001W-A 462 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 BOI1YBL085W 2943 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 FRE8YLR047C 2061 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 RPN4YDL020C 1596 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 DUG2YBR281C 2637 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 OPI6YDL096C 327 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 MMF1YIL051C 438 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 FIP1YJR093C 984 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 SPC24YMR117C 642 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 MUM2YBR057C 1101 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 GCD10YNL062C 1437 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 FAR11YNL127W 2862 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YGR067CYGR067C 2415 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YBR259WYBR259W 2067 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YDL026WYDL026W 312 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 FMN1YDR236C 657 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 RPS25AYGR027C 327 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 PIR1YKL164C 1026 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 NNT1YLR285W 786 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 NIT3YLR351C 876 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 RPS29AYLR388W 171 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 BET5YML077W 480 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 SUB1YMR039C 879 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YOL114CYOL114C 609 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YOR342CYOR342C 960 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YOR385WYOR385W 873 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 YBR116CYBR116C 528 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 ECM21YBL101C 3354 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
RTC3P38804 RRT13YER066W 558 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 DDI2YFL061W 678 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YFR010W-AYFR010W-A 189 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 tQ(UUG)BtQ(UUG)B 72 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 MPC3YGR243W 441 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 BAT1YHR208W 1182 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 CDC123YLR215C 1083 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YOR114WYOR114W 885 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YEF3YLR249W 3135 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 KHA1YJL094C 2622 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 SIN3YOL004W 4611 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YDL186WYDL186W 834 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 RAD55YDR076W 1221 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 ISC10YER180C 804 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YGL006W-AYGL006W-A 111 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 THP2YHR167W 786 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 TFA2YKR062W 987 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 MSA2YKR077W 1092 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 BLS1YLR408C 369 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YBL039W-BYBL039W-B 180 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 LTP1YPR073C 486 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YBR201C-AYBR201C-A 204 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 YTA7YGR270W 4140 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
RTC3P38804 AVT2YEL064C 1443 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 12.3 ms