Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38346

BIT2, Probable target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit BIT2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 545 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
BIT2P38346 NOP13YNL175C 1212 nt6.08□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 RSA4YCR072C 1548 nt6.08□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 ISC1YER019W 1434 nt6.08□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 GEX2YKR106W 1848 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SKI2YLR398C 3864 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SNM1YDR478W 597 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 PHM8YER037W 966 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 EFM3YJR129C 1020 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YLR036CYLR036C 612 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 TOM40YMR203W 1164 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YOL163WYOL163W 510 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 IFA38YBR159W 1044 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 PDB1YBR221C 1101 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MNS1YJR131W 1650 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MIF2YKL089W 1650 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 RPT1YKL145W 1404 nt6.07□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 PRI2YKL045W 1587 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 PRP24YMR268C 1335 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MAD3YJL013C 1548 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 HXT3YDR345C 1704 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SPO74YGL170C 1242 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 tR(UCU)Q1tR(UCU)Q1 73 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YJR056CYJR056C 711 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SPC34YKR037C 888 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 UIP4YPL186C 915 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YPR123CYPR123C 435 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 HIS7YBR248C 1659 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MNN5YJL186W 1761 nt6.06□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MCM3YEL032W 2916 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 AVT4YNL101W 2142 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YOL036WYOL036W 2286 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 FAA4YMR246W 2085 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MAF1YDR005C 1188 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 IPK1YDR315C 846 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YGR011WYGR011W 327 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 FMP48YGR052W 1110 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MRS1YIR021W 1092 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 PEX22YAL055W 543 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YLR311CYLR311C 348 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YNL200CYNL200C 741 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 MRPS5YBR251W 924 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 HXT2YMR011W 1626 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 TPO3YPR156C 1869 nt6.05□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 CNE1YAL058W 1509 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 CTR2YHR175W 570 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YJL215CYJL215C 360 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YKL169CYKL169C 384 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 OMA1YKR087C 1038 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 ICT1YLR099C 1185 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YLR412C-AYLR412C-A 207 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YNR040WYNR040W 771 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 OAZ1YPL052W 879 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YPL102CYPL102C 303 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 IML2YJL082W 2196 nt6.04□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 UBC6YER100W 753 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 RPN11YFR004W 921 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 ERV14YGL054C 417 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP2tY(GUA)D 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP11tY(GUA)F1 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP6tY(GUA)F2 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP7tY(GUA)J1 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP4tY(GUA)J2 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP5tY(GUA)M1 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP8tY(GUA)M2 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 SUP3tY(GUA)O 75 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 RPR2YIR015W 435 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YML012C-AYML012C-A 378 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 YPL168WYPL168W 1293 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 AFG1YEL052W 1530 nt6.03□□□□□ -1.44
BIT2P38346 IMA5YJL216C 1746 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 UGX2YDL169C 672 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 ASP1YDR321W 1146 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 SUP19tS(UGA)E 82 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 SUP17tS(UGA)I 82 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 SUP16tS(UGA)P 82 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 CIS3YJL158C 684 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 COX17YLL009C 210 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 PSR1YLL010C 1284 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 UBC11YOR339C 471 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YPL113CYPL113C 1191 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 COR1YBL045C 1374 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 VPS36YLR417W 1701 nt6.02□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 HOS1YPR068C 1413 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 DBP9YLR276C 1785 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 SLX5YDL013W 1860 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 PRS2YER099C 957 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YKL031WYKL031W 414 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YLR126CYLR126C 756 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YOL050CYOL050C 321 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 RRP40YOL142W 723 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YOR292CYOR292C 930 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YBR284WYBR284W 2394 nt6.01□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 PAF1YBR279W 1338 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 GUP2YPL189W 1830 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YDL022C-AYDL022C-A 249 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 INO2YDR123C 915 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 RMD5YDR255C 1266 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 YDR509WYDR509W 348 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 IPI1YHR085W 1005 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
BIT2P38346 GTR1YML121W 933 nt6□□□□□ -1.45
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 911.1 ms