RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YLR303W

MET17, Transcript of O-acetyl homoserine-O-acetyl serine sulfhydrylase, yeastyeast

Gene MET17, Length 1,335 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MET17YLR303W YER156CP40093 338 aaKnown RBP5.57□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W SOK2P53438 785 aaPredicted RBP5.57□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W BSC2Q05611 235 aa5.57□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W NOC3Q07896 663 aaPredicted RBP5.57□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W PHO4P07270 312 aaKnown RBP5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W MSN1P22148 382 aa5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W PGM1P33401 570 aaKnown RBP5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W VPS35P34110 944 aa5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W GIP1P38229 639 aa5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W DAK2P43550 591 aa5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W PPT1P53043 513 aa5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W MNL2Q12205 849 aa5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W ENT1Q12518 454 aa5.56□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W TRP3P00937 484 aa5.55□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W SAC7P17121 654 aa5.55□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W PEP7P32609 515 aa5.55□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W OMA1P36163 345 aa5.55□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W ISW1P38144 1129 aa5.55□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W NUP192P47054 1683 aa5.55□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W PRP45P28004 379 aaPredicted RBP5.54□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W TFA2P36145 328 aa5.54□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W YKR073CP36153 106 aa5.54□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W GIP2P40036 548 aa5.54□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W NTA1P40354 457 aa5.54□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W INP52P50942 1183 aa5.54□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W RCM1P53972 490 aa5.54□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W IRS4P36115 615 aaKnown RBP5.53□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W ECM2P38241 364 aaKnown RBP5.53□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W PSY2P40164 858 aa5.53□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W RSC4Q02206 625 aa5.53□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W IMH1Q06704 911 aaKnown RBP5.53□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W TY3B-IQ7LHG5 1498 aaKnown RBP5.53□□□□□ -1.52
MET17YLR303W TY4B-PA0A0B7P3V8 1104 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W MCM2P29469 868 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W NAM7P30771 971 aaKnown RBP5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W YHL008CP38750 627 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W YIL165CP40446 119 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W FYV10P40492 516 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W MAD1P40957 749 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W KIP3P53086 805 aaKnown RBP5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W SPR28Q04921 423 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W EMG1Q06287 252 aaKnown RBP5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W TY1A-NL1Q12391 440 aaKnown RBP5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W TY4A-HQ6Q5P6 413 aa5.52□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W SPE2P21182 396 aa5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W RPS26AP39938 119 aaKnown RBP5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W RPS26BP39939 119 aaKnown RBP5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W RGD2P43556 714 aa5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W ARI1P53111 347 aaKnown RBP5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W INP54Q08227 384 aaKnown RBP5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W YLR122CQ12312 125 aa5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W TIF6Q12522 245 aaKnown RBP5.51□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W CLN2P20438 545 aa5.5□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W AIM46P38885 310 aa5.5□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W AKR1P39010 764 aa5.5□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W RMD1Q03441 430 aa5.5□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W ESF1Q06344 628 aaKnown RBP5.5□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W PRP5P21372 849 aaPredicted RBP5.49□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W ENP1P38333 483 aaKnown RBP5.49□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W YGR122WP53272 402 aa5.49□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W ALD3P54114 506 aa5.49□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W ORC1P54784 914 aaPredicted RBP5.49□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W YMR074CQ04773 145 aa5.49□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W PPH3P32345 308 aa5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W SFA1P32771 386 aa5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W CHZ1P40019 153 aaPredicted RBP5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W PET112P33893 541 aa5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W PAN5P38787 379 aa5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W INP51P40559 946 aaKnown RBP5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W NNF1P47149 201 aa5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W DAL4Q04895 635 aa5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W YCS4Q06156 1176 aa5.48□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W LEU2P04173 364 aaPredicted RBP5.47□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W KAR2P16474 682 aaKnown RBP5.47□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W COQ2P32378 372 aa5.47□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W MRPS18P42847 217 aa5.47□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W MTR4P47047 1073 aaKnown RBP5.47□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W YGR130CP53278 816 aa5.47□□□□□ -1.53
MET17YLR303W PSK1P31374 1356 aa5.46□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W RAD2P07276 1031 aa5.46□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W CYC8P14922 966 aa5.46□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W SEA4P38164 1038 aa5.46□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W CTH1P47976 325 aa5.46□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W CWC24P53769 259 aa5.46□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W REC8Q12188 680 aa5.46□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W FLP1P03870 423 aa5.45□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W PRP40P33203 583 aaKnown RBP5.45□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W TOS1P38288 455 aa5.45□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W VAC8P39968 578 aa5.45□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W SLP1Q12232 587 aa5.45□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W PRE9P23638 258 aaKnown RBP5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W RSC6P25632 483 aa5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W KAE1P36132 386 aa5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W FAA3P39002 694 aa5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W BIO5P53744 561 aaKnown RBP5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W ALD6P54115 500 aaKnown RBP5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W MAG2Q06436 670 aaKnown RBP5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W PUF3Q07807 879 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data5.44□□□□□ -1.54not detected
MET17YLR303W MCD1Q12158 566 aa5.44□□□□□ -1.54
MET17YLR303W HXK1P04806 485 aaKnown RBP5.43□□□□□ -1.54
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 73.4 ms