RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YHR068W

DYS1, Transcript of Deoxyhypusine synthase, yeastyeast

Gene DYS1, Length 1,164 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
DYS1YHR068W MAL33P38157 468 aa7.62□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W DSF2P38213 736 aa7.62□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W ETT1Q08421 412 aaKnown RBP7.62□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W GPA1P08539 472 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W MATALPHA2P0CY08 210 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W HMLALPHA2P0CY09 210 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W SPT23P35210 1082 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W PCS60P38137 543 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data7.61□□□□□ -1.19not detected
DYS1YHR068W VID28P40547 921 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W VPS64Q03944 604 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W YDR344CQ05510 147 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W DPL1Q05567 589 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W YLR407WQ06070 228 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W PSK2Q08217 1101 aa7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W PGA3Q12746 312 aaKnown RBP7.61□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W COX6P00427 148 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W SES1P07284 462 aaKnown RBP7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W RPP1BP10622 106 aaKnown RBP7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W TPM1P17536 199 aaKnown RBP7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W BCK2P33306 851 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W MNR2P35724 969 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W YHL017WP38745 532 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W CIC1P38779 376 aaKnown RBP7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W CEP3P40969 608 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W YPT11P48559 417 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W RMT2Q03305 412 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W MTC5Q03897 1148 aa7.6□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W LAM4P38800 1345 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W QCR6P00127 147 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W FBP26P32604 452 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W RFT1P38206 574 aaPredicted RBP7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W TCD1P38756 429 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W STM1P39015 273 aaKnown RBP7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W NMA111P53920 997 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W UBP16Q02863 499 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W YDR090CQ03193 310 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W FCP1Q03254 732 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W SGD1Q06132 899 aa7.59□□□□□ -1.19
DYS1YHR068W OPI1P21957 404 aa7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W SRP40P32583 406 aaPredicted RBP7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W OSH3P38713 996 aaKnown RBP7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W CIN4P39110 191 aa7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YER130CP39959 443 aa7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W FYV10P40492 516 aa7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W ENT3P47160 408 aa7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W FRK1Q03002 865 aaPredicted RBP7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W SSP2Q08646 371 aa7.58□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W LTV1P34078 463 aa7.57□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W IES2P40154 320 aa7.57□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PKH3Q03306 898 aaPredicted RBP7.57□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W RPN7Q06103 429 aaKnown RBP7.57□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W TUM1Q08686 304 aaKnown RBP7.57□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PSH1Q12161 406 aa7.57□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W SAC3P46674 1301 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W SEC18P18759 758 aaKnown RBP7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W GSY2P27472 705 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PEP3P27801 918 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W RFC5P38251 354 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YBP2P53169 641 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W BNI4P53858 892 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W WAR1Q03631 944 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W ISU2Q12056 156 aa7.56□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W MFT1P33441 392 aaKnown RBP7.55□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PSY4P38193 441 aa7.55□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W CTH1P47976 325 aa7.55□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YKE2P52553 114 aa7.55□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W ARP5P53946 755 aa7.55□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W SFI1Q12369 946 aa7.55□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W MCM4P30665 933 aaKnown RBP7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PXL1P36166 706 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W RRM3P38766 723 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W STR2P47164 639 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YGL082WP53155 381 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YGR130CP53278 816 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YNL193WP53870 558 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W COG4Q06096 861 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W CDC73Q06697 393 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W CTI6Q08923 506 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PHM7Q12252 991 aa7.54□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W ADR1P07248 1323 aa7.53□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PET111P08468 800 aa7.53□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W PGI1P12709 554 aaKnown RBP7.53□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YKL133CP36066 463 aa7.53□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W VRP1P37370 817 aa7.53□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W ATG13Q06628 738 aa7.53□□□□□ -1.2
DYS1YHR068W YKT6P36015 200 aaKnown RBP7.52□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W PTC2P39966 464 aaKnown RBP7.52□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W BUD6P41697 788 aa7.52□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W JSN1P47135 1091 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data7.52□□□□□ -1.21not detected
DYS1YHR068W KAR5Q04746 504 aa7.52□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W SKI2P35207 1287 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data7.51□□□□□ -1.21not detected
DYS1YHR068W YMR147WP40218 223 aaKnown RBP7.51□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W RAD26P40352 1085 aa7.51□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W VMS1Q04311 632 aaKnown RBP7.51□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W YML082WQ04533 649 aaKnown RBP7.51□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W CBP3P21560 335 aa7.5□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W STE11P23561 717 aa7.5□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W IMP2'P32351 346 aa7.5□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W HAL5P38970 855 aaKnown RBP7.5□□□□□ -1.21
DYS1YHR068W EPL1P43572 832 aa7.5□□□□□ -1.21
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 38.1 ms