RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YLR303W

MET17, Transcript of O-acetyl homoserine-O-acetyl serine sulfhydrylase, yeastyeast

Gene MET17, Length 1,335 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MET17YLR303W ADK2P26364 225 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W BMH1P29311 267 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YSC83P32792 385 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YKT6P36015 200 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MMS4P38257 691 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YHL026CP38740 315 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SSP120P39931 234 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ELO3P40319 345 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W OPT1P40897 799 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W BUD8P41698 603 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W THI6P41835 540 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SAD1P43589 448 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W VID30P53076 958 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W CUE3P53137 624 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MTL1P53214 551 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YNL146WP53906 100 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ALG11P53954 548 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W VTC3Q02725 835 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W CUR1Q06469 252 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SHS1Q07657 551 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W AIM39Q08223 395 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MCH5Q08777 521 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HOS1Q12214 470 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W VPS5Q92331 675 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HRP1Q99383 534 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ADE4P04046 510 aaKnown RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W OM45P16547 393 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PEX1P24004 1043 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MVD1P32377 396 aaKnown RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HIS7P33734 552 aaKnown RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YKL023WP36103 277 aaKnown RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HEL1P36113 551 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W CCL1P37366 393 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MRX3P38172 270 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SLX1P38324 304 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ERC1P38767 581 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W REV7P38927 245 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W NUP60P39705 539 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SCS2P40075 244 aaKnown RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SEC27P41811 889 aaKnown RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MUP1P50276 574 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HST1P53685 503 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W CEG1Q01159 459 aaPredicted RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ECM7Q06200 448 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W DNL4Q08387 944 aaPredicted RBP4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W AIM41Q12032 185 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MED1Q12321 566 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ARP7Q12406 477 aa4.43□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RPL22AP05749 121 aaKnown RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MSS18P08593 268 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W GLN3P18494 730 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ISY1P21374 235 aaPredicted RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W VPS3P23643 1011 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RSA4P25382 515 aaKnown RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PET309P32522 965 aaPredicted RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TFC3P34111 1160 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RFT1P38206 574 aaPredicted RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PPE1P38796 400 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W GET2P40056 285 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PIG2P40187 538 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RSM25P40496 264 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PRM2P40534 656 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W FAF1P40546 346 aaPredicted RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W COS5P47187 383 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MNP1P53163 194 aaPredicted RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W CAF130P53280 1122 aaPredicted RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TRS130Q03660 1102 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YSH1Q06224 779 aaPredicted RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YDL121CQ07541 149 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MLH2Q07980 695 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TAF10Q12030 206 aa4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W LSP1Q12230 341 aaKnown RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PKH2Q12236 1081 aaKnown RBP4.42□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HAP2P06774 265 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MAS1P10507 462 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W APA1P16550 321 aaKnown RBP4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W URK1P27515 501 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HRR25P29295 494 aaKnown RBP4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PRE4P30657 266 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W DBF20P32328 564 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W APM3P38153 483 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W NPR3P38742 1146 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YHR131CP38835 850 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W FMO1P38866 432 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W BDH2P39713 417 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W IES5P40060 125 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SAP185P40856 1058 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HSH155P49955 971 aaKnown RBP4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ORC5P50874 479 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TAM41P53230 385 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PEF1P53238 335 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ESF2P53743 316 aaKnown RBP4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PNG1Q02890 363 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PIG1Q06216 648 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MRI1Q06489 411 aaKnown RBP4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MRN1Q08925 612 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data4.41□□□□□ -1.7not detected
MET17YLR303W ZPS1Q12512 249 aa4.41□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SEC12P11655 471 aa4.4□□□□□ -1.71
MET17YLR303W NAT1P12945 854 aaKnown RBP4.4□□□□□ -1.71
MET17YLR303W CWH43P25618 953 aa4.4□□□□□ -1.71
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 22.7 ms