RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YLR303W

MET17, Transcript of O-acetyl homoserine-O-acetyl serine sulfhydrylase, yeastyeast

Gene MET17, Length 1,335 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MET17YLR303W GID8P40208 455 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W ESL1P40456 1118 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W AMA1P50082 593 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W UBA2P52488 636 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W MEH1Q02205 184 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W SLU7Q02775 382 aaKnown RBP4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W MMR1Q06324 491 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W SDH5Q08230 162 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W ENB1Q08299 606 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W TGL5Q12043 749 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YPL150WQ12152 901 aa4.48□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W HIS4P00815 799 aaKnown RBP4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YEL076C-AP0CX16 216 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YLR464WP0CX17 216 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W COT1P32798 439 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W MAL33P38157 468 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YEL076CP39971 216 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YNL195CP40168 261 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W MMF1P40185 145 aaKnown RBP4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W LAM5P43560 674 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W TAF4P50105 388 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W RTT102P53330 157 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W TEX1P53851 422 aaKnown RBP4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W SEC5P89102 971 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W GIR2Q03768 265 aaPredicted RBP4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W DLT1Q04216 342 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W FUS2Q05670 677 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W COQ9Q05779 260 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W ADY4Q05955 493 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YOL114CQ12322 202 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W LAS17Q12446 633 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W PCD1Q12524 340 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W ECM3Q99252 613 aa4.47□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W QCR6P00127 147 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W ACO1P19414 778 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data4.46□□□□□ -1.69not detected
MET17YLR303W MF(ALPHA)2P32435 120 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W MRPL7P36519 292 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W PPS1P38148 807 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YHL041WP38730 149 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W BUD16P39988 312 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W VTC2P43585 828 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W SCD6P45978 349 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data4.46□□□□□ -1.69not detected
MET17YLR303W SHE10P53075 577 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W CUL3P53202 744 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W YGR021WP53212 290 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W MTD1Q02046 320 aaKnown RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W CWC21Q03375 135 aaKnown RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W NSE5Q03718 556 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W VPS36Q06696 566 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W STP4Q07351 490 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.69
MET17YLR303W MYO1P08964 1928 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YMR084WA2P2R3 262 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W FOB1O13329 566 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W KGD2P19262 463 aaPredicted RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HOP1P20050 605 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RDS1P25611 832 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PMI40P29952 429 aaKnown RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SYN8P31377 255 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W DPH2P32461 534 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W SAC6P32599 642 aaKnown RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TMT1P32643 299 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MPE1P35728 441 aaKnown RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W VID24P38263 362 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ULP2P40537 1034 aaPredicted RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W IRC5P43610 853 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TOF1P53840 1238 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MUK1Q02866 612 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RCR2Q03446 210 aaKnown RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YLR455WQ06188 304 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PSR2Q07949 397 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TLG2Q08144 397 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ETT1Q08421 412 aaKnown RBP4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W IES4Q08561 116 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W POM34Q12445 299 aa4.46□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TRP4P07285 380 aaPredicted RBP4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PCK1P10963 549 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W LAT1P12695 482 aaKnown RBP4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W PCT1P13259 424 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W POL3P15436 1097 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MCM3P24279 971 aaKnown RBP4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W MSH1P25846 959 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W CDC15P27636 974 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W DCG1P32460 244 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W CSE2P33308 149 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W KTR4P38131 464 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W FMP10P40098 244 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W YIR014WP40570 242 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W QRI7P43122 407 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W BIT61P47041 543 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W NOP9P47077 666 aaKnown RBP4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W NPA3P47122 385 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W TEP1P53916 434 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W HMO1Q03973 246 aaKnown RBP4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W EMI2Q04409 500 aaKnown RBP4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ENT2Q05785 613 aa4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W APL5Q08951 932 aaKnown RBP4.45□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RNA1P11745 407 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W IME1P21190 360 aa4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W RPA135P22138 1203 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
MET17YLR303W ERG6P25087 383 aaKnown RBP4.44□□□□□ -1.7
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 377.7 ms