Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38804

RTC3, Restriction of telomere capping protein 3, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTC3P38804 PDP3YLR455W 915 nt1.46□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YMR272W-BYMR272W-B 108 nt1.46□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 SSK2YNR031C 4740 nt1.46□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 SKI3YPR189W 4299 nt1.45□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 PET127YOR017W 2403 nt1.45□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 MZM1YDR493W 372 nt1.45□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YGL069CYGL069C 465 nt1.45□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 VMR1YHL035C 4779 nt1.45□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 BRO1YPL084W 2535 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 COX1Q0045 1605 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 SPO22YIL073C 2928 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YCR016WYCR016W 873 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 DAD1YDR016C 285 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 RAD6YGL058W 519 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 RPL40AYIL148W 387 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YSW1YBR148W 1830 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 PIK1YNL267W 3201 nt1.44□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 CAJ1YER048C 1176 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 GIC1YHR061C 945 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YJL127C-BYJL127C-B 159 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 GRX8YLR364W 330 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YNL179CYNL179C 438 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 ZRG8YER033C 3231 nt1.43□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 PLC1YPL268W 2610 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 RSM28YDR494W 1086 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 LSM12YHR121W 564 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YIR020C-BYIR020C-B 735 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 BUD19YJL188C 309 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 LCL2YLR104W 396 nt1.42□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 CFT1YDR301W 4074 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 BRR2YER172C 6492 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YLR422WYLR422W 5799 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 DAD4YDR320C-A 219 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 MTG1YMR097C 1104 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YBL068W-AYBL068W-A 237 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 YOR146WYOR146W 306 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 PEX8YGR077C 1770 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 CDC27YBL084C 2277 nt1.41□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 SEC21YNL287W 2808 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.18
RTC3P38804 ASM4YDL088C 1587 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 VPS74YDR372C 1038 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 LOC1YFR001W 615 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 RPL29YFR032C-A 180 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 AIM23YJL131C 1071 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 CMC2YBL059C-A 330 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 15S_rRNA15S_rRNA 1649 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 GAL80YML051W 1308 nt1.4□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 MNL2YLR057W 2550 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YDL032WYDL032W 312 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 ATP17YDR377W 306 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YIP1YGR172C 747 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 COX3Q0275 810 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YIR021W-AYIR021W-A 213 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 HSK3YKL138C-A 210 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YOR394C-AYOR394C-A 168 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 UBS1YBR165W 834 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 CCH1YGR217W 6120 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 SPE1YKL184W 1401 nt1.39□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 MUD2YKL074C 1584 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 MCM22YJR135C 720 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YLR140WYLR140W 327 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 ATP18YML081C-A 180 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 RIO2YNL207W 1278 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YOL106WYOL106W 354 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 SNC2YOR327C 348 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 BST1YFL025C 3090 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YDR034C-CYDR034C-C 1317 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YLR410W-AYLR410W-A 1317 nt1.38□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 CMC1YKL137W 336 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YLR302CYLR302C 363 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YOR105WYOR105W 327 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 MDM20YOL076W 2391 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 CTR9YOL145C 3234 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YBP1YBR216C 2025 nt1.37□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 SLS1YLR139C 1932 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 DAS1YJL149W 1992 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 SAG1YJR004C 1953 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 TMA20YER007C-A 546 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YHR214W-AYHR214W-A 486 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YIL082WYIL082W 873 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 BET4YJL031C 984 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YAR068WYAR068W 486 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 RBL2YOR265W 321 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 BPH1YCR032W 6504 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 HMI1YOL095C 2121 nt1.36□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YLR031WYLR031W 561 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YBL062WYBL062W 381 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 PGA1YNL158W 597 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YBL108WYBL108W 306 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YCL007CYCL007C 393 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YGR250CYGR250C 2346 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 NCS2YNL119W 1482 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 PBY1YBR094W 2262 nt1.35□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 CDC36YDL165W 576 nt1.34□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 YDR194W-AYDR194W-A 153 nt1.34□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 tQ(UUG)E2tQ(UUG)E2 72 nt1.34□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 LAG1YHL003C 1236 nt1.34□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 SMD3YLR147C 306 nt1.34□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 ERG29YMR134W 714 nt1.34□□□□□ -2.19
RTC3P38804 RVS161YCR009C 798 nt1.33□□□□□ -2.2
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 44.9 ms