Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38428

CUE1, Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 203 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUE1P38428 PAU20YOL161C 363 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YBP2YGL060W 1926 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 HSC82YMR186W 2118 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 SMC6YLR383W 3345 nt2.06□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 TPS2YDR074W 2691 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 EDS1YBR033W 2760 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 TWF1YGR080W 999 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 GOS1YHL031C 672 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YKL069WYKL069W 543 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 UTP30YKR060W 825 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 RNP1YLL046C 750 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YLR050CYLR050C 486 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YLR412C-AYLR412C-A 207 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 ARF3YOR094W 552 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YDR186CYDR186C 2634 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 SGS1YMR190C 4344 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 MCD1YDL003W 1701 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 SRB4YER022W 2064 nt2.05□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 TVP15YDR100W 432 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 MAM1YER106W 909 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YER119C-AYER119C-A 372 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 MRP49YKL167C 414 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 EMC6YLL014W 327 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 PAU23YLR037C 375 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YLR257WYLR257W 966 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 IRC21YMR073C 606 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 ESF2YNR054C 951 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YOR050CYOR050C 348 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YPR097WYPR097W 3222 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YBR209WYBR209W 318 nt2.04□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 RLF2YPR018W 1821 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 IPI3YNL182C 1668 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 PIG2YIL045W 1617 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 CBF2YGR140W 2871 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 AFI1YOR129C 2682 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YBL005W-BYBL005W-B 5268 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 PLP1YDR183W 693 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YGL177WYGL177W 348 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YHL048C-AYHL048C-A 135 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YHR180W-AYHR180W-A 183 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YIL156W-BYIL156W-B 222 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YJL032WYJL032W 315 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 PEX17YNL214W 600 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 ATG19YOL082W 1248 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 HEM4YOR278W 828 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 STE11YLR362W 2154 nt2.03□□□□□ -2.08
CUE1P38428 YOL098CYOL098C 3114 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 UBP16YPL072W 1500 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 MAK11YKL021C 1407 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 RAV1YJR033C 4074 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YEL010WYEL010W 351 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YER107W-AYER107W-A 321 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YKE2YLR200W 345 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 FYV6YNL133C 522 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YAP7YOL028C 738 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YBL108WYBL108W 306 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 KAR4YCL055W 1008 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 NUP100YKL068W 2880 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ALY1YKR021W 2748 nt2.02□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 BRE5YNR051C 1548 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 RGA1YOR127W 3024 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 VPS13YLL040C 9435 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 SHR3YDL212W 633 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 KEI1YDR367W 666 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 HTD2YHR067W 843 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 PSF2YJL072C 642 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YLR154W-AYLR154W-A 186 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 KAP123YER110C 3342 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 COG3YER157W 2406 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 RPN3YER021W 1572 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YJL181WYJL181W 1836 nt2.01□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 UBR1YGR184C 5853 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ADK1YDR226W 669 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YER046W-AYER046W-A 330 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ACB1YGR037C 264 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YAP5YIR018W 738 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 RPS17AYML024W 411 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 CSI2YOL007C 1026 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 BAG7YOR134W 1230 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 OSW7YFR039C 1533 nt2□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ESC2YDR363W 1371 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YDR381C-AYDR381C-A 345 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 VAB2YEL005C 849 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YER091C-AYER091C-A 222 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 snR44snR44 211 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 FUS2YMR232W 2034 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 NUR1YDL089W 1455 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 PDR11YIL013C 4236 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 USO1YDL058W 5373 nt1.99□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 PHO91YNR013C 2685 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 SIR4YDR227W 4077 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YCR064CYCR064C 411 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 RPN9YDR427W 1182 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 SDC1YDR469W 528 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 GLC7YER133W 939 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 CKA1YIL035C 1119 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YKL115CYKL115C 393 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YNR034W-AYNR034W-A 297 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YBR013CYBR013C 390 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 RPN8YOR261C 1017 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 56.6 ms