Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38804

RTC3, Restriction of telomere capping protein 3, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTC3P38804 PSK1YAL017W 4071 nt2.82□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 SKT5YBL061C 2091 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 CHS3YBR023C 3498 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 TOM1YDR457W 9807 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 ERP3YDL018C 678 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 AIM11YER093C-A 414 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 DAL2YIR029W 1032 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 ENV10YLR065C 546 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 REX3YLR107W 1215 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 NDL1YLR254C 570 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 SPS4YOR313C 1017 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 SUR1YPL057C 1149 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MRS2YOR334W 1413 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 NUP60YAR002W 1620 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 CBP2YHL038C 1893 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 HUL5YGL141W 2733 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 VIP1YLR410W 3441 nt2.81□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MCM21YDR318W 1107 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 LRS4YDR439W 1044 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 YGR039WYGR039W 312 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MAK16YAL025C 921 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 EMC2YJR088C 879 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 ECM4YKR076W 1113 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MRPS17YMR188C 714 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 AAH1YNL141W 1044 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 AAR2YBL074C 1068 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 DNM1YLL001W 2274 nt2.8□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MRH4YGL064C 1686 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 BPT1YLL015W 4680 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 HFM1YGL251C 3564 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 ARP4YJL081C 1470 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 YCR085WYCR085W 354 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 FIN1YDR130C 876 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 ENT5YDR153C 1236 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 CPR1YDR155C 489 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 RPL30YGL030W 318 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 DOG1YHR044C 741 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 PRP8YHR165C 7242 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 CFD1YIL003W 882 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 CIK1YMR198W 1785 nt2.79□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 DUN1YDL101C 1542 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 SAS4YDR181C 1446 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 ECM18YDR125C 1362 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MNT3YIL014W 1893 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MRPS35YGR165W 1038 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 YGR204C-AYGR204C-A 114 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 RPL20AYMR242C 519 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 TPM1YNL079C 600 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 YNL109WYNL109W 546 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 RIB4YOL143C 510 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 MRPL37YBR268W 318 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 KIN82YCR091W 2163 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 YML096WYML096W 1578 nt2.78□□□□□ -1.96
RTC3P38804 YCG1YDR325W 3108 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 PCL2YDL127W 927 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YER147C-AYER147C-A 411 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 RPL27AYHR010W 411 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YAR075WYAR075W 474 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 SAP1YER047C 2694 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YDR098C-BYDR098C-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YDR210C-DYDR210C-D 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YDR316W-BYDR316W-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YDR365W-BYDR365W-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YER138CYER138C 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YER160CYER160C 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YGR038C-BYGR038C-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YGR161C-DYGR161C-D 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YJR027WYJR027W 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YLR157C-BYLR157C-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YML039WYML039W 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YML045WYML045W 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YMR050CYMR050C 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YOL103W-BYOL103W-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YBR012W-BYBR012W-B 5271 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YOR142W-BYOR142W-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YPL257W-BYPL257W-B 5268 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YPR158W-BYPR158W-B 5271 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 CAF120YNL278W 3183 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 RED1YLR263W 2484 nt2.77□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 CIN8YEL061C 3003 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 STE24YJR117W 1362 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 PMI40YER003C 1290 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 EPT1YHR123W 1176 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YAL069WYAL069W 315 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 RAD10YML095C 633 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 RFC3YNL290W 1023 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YBL094CYBL094C 333 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 TAF3YPL011C 1062 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 TFB2YPL122C 1542 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YDR034C-DYDR034C-D 5313 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 AI2Q0055 2565 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 UTP14YML093W 2700 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 GYL1YMR192W 2163 nt2.76□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 SRP68YPL243W 1800 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 OTU1YFL044C 906 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 PNC1YGL037C 651 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 SPO16YHR153C 597 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 SGN1YIR001C 753 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 SNX4YJL036W 1272 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 RSM19YNR037C 276 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 112.4 ms