Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38149

DUG2, Probable di- and tripeptidase DUG2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 878 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
DUG2P38149 YBR230W-AYBR230W-A 201 nt5.77□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 LSG1YGL099W 1923 nt5.77□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 MSS1YMR023C 1581 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 DPB2YPR175W 2070 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 SFB3YHR098C 2790 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 RPS15YOL040C 429 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 PSH1YOL054W 1221 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 TNA1YGR260W 1605 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 GEX1YCL073C 1848 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 GEX2YKR106W 1848 nt5.76□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YCR097W-AYCR097W-A 267 nt5.75□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YGR182CYGR182C 354 nt5.75□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YLR118CYLR118C 684 nt5.75□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 RHO2YNL090W 579 nt5.75□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 RTT106YNL206C 1368 nt5.75□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 ASH1YKL185W 1767 nt5.75□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 TIM54YJL054W 1437 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YJR015WYJR015W 1533 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 MCM6YGL201C 3054 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 TRP5YGL026C 2124 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 SKN1YGR143W 2316 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YGL194C-AYGL194C-A 243 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 HSX1tR(CCU)J 72 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 tX(XXX)DtX(XXX)D 100 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YJR115WYJR115W 510 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YPL062WYPL062W 405 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YGL036WYGL036W 2730 nt5.74□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 PIF1YML061C 2580 nt5.73□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 NUD1YOR373W 2556 nt5.73□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YDL023CYDL023C 321 nt5.73□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YLR283WYLR283W 945 nt5.73□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YPR098CYPR098C 486 nt5.73□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 BAP2YBR068C 1830 nt5.73□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YKL151CYKL151C 1014 nt5.72□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 TFS1YLR178C 660 nt5.72□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 HCR1YLR192C 798 nt5.72□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 POR1YNL055C 852 nt5.72□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 GSY2YLR258W 2118 nt5.72□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 YMR027WYMR027W 1413 nt5.72□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 SEC12YNR026C 1416 nt5.72□□□□□ -1.49
DUG2P38149 NOB1YOR056C 1380 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 CAD1YDR423C 1230 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 COS6YGR295C 1146 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YIR020W-AYIR020W-A 243 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 TFB4YPR056W 1017 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 VPS70YJR126C 2436 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 GPT2YKR067W 2232 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 PDH1YPR002W 1551 nt5.71□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 SOG2YOR353C 2376 nt5.7□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 RRP45YDR280W 918 nt5.7□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YHR140WYHR140W 720 nt5.7□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 PIN2YOR104W 849 nt5.7□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 TRP3YKL211C 1455 nt5.7□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 TRK2YKR050W 2670 nt5.7□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 ACF2YLR144C 2340 nt5.69□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YIL060WYIL060W 435 nt5.69□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 SKG1YKR100C 1068 nt5.69□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 MTQ1YNL063W 945 nt5.69□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 MSS116YDR194C 1995 nt5.69□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 CLP1YOR250C 1338 nt5.69□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 UGO1YDR470C 1509 nt5.69□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 TEF1YPR080W 1377 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 TEF2YBR118W 1377 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 SHE10YGL228W 1734 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 COX26YDR119W-A 201 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 RPT6YGL048C 1218 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)CtN(GUU)C 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)FtN(GUU)F 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)GtN(GUU)G 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)KtN(GUU)K 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)LtN(GUU)L 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)N1tN(GUU)N1 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)N2tN(GUU)N2 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)O1tN(GUU)O1 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)O2tN(GUU)O2 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tN(GUU)PtN(GUU)P 74 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YAL056C-AYAL056C-A 351 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YKL223WYKL223W 333 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 APM4YOL062C 1476 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 RIM101YHL027W 1878 nt5.68□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 SCT1YBL011W 2280 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 RFA1YAR007C 1866 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 UTP7YER082C 1665 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 HEM3YDL205C 984 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 TRP1YDR007W 675 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 PRO3YER023W 861 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 SLO1YER180C-A 258 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 tR(ACG)JtR(ACG)J 73 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 PGA3YML125C 939 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YBL044WYBL044W 369 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 HXT3YDR345C 1704 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 PAP1YKR002W 1707 nt5.67□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 PCS60YBR222C 1632 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 UTP18YJL069C 1785 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 CDC10YCR002C 969 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YDL034WYDL034W 345 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 MHR1YDR296W 681 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 RHO4YKR055W 876 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 PGA2YNL149C 390 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
DUG2P38149 YNR042WYNR042W 429 nt5.66□□□□□ -1.5
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 50.7 ms