RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YCR009C

RVS161, Transcript of Amphiphysin-like lipid raft protein, yeastyeast

Gene RVS161, Length 798 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RVS161YCR009C PHO2P07269 559 aa3.69□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C COS12P53053 380 aa3.69□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C MNT2P53059 558 aa3.69□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C YNR029CP53729 429 aaKnown RBP3.69□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C ARA2Q04212 335 aa3.69□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C YTH1Q06102 208 aaPredicted RBP3.69□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C PUF2Q12221 1075 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data3.69□□□□□ -1.82not detected
RVS161YCR009C NOP1P15646 327 aaKnown RBP3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C ARG1P22768 420 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C PRP45P28004 379 aaPredicted RBP3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C VPS8P39702 1274 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C MDR1P53258 950 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C SKY1Q03656 742 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C PLM2Q04383 521 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C DSE3Q08729 430 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C YOR378WQ08902 515 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C RTC1Q08281 1341 aa3.68□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C YCR043CP25361 127 aa3.67□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C NMD2P38798 1089 aaKnown RBP3.67□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C PEA2P40091 420 aa3.67□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C UBP16Q02863 499 aa3.67□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C MLH2Q07980 695 aa3.67□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C YPR027CQ12079 277 aa3.67□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C KGD2P19262 463 aaPredicted RBP3.66□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C SAP1P39955 897 aaKnown RBP3.66□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C GPP2P40106 250 aaKnown RBP3.66□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C FAP7Q12055 197 aaPredicted RBP3.66□□□□□ -1.82
RVS161YCR009C DAL3P32459 195 aa3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C ARC40P38328 384 aaKnown RBP3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C ERV46P39727 415 aa3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C TES1P41903 349 aaKnown RBP3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C DUG1P43616 481 aaKnown RBP3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YJR142WP47173 342 aa3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YGL260WP53056 76 aa3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YLR281CQ05863 155 aa3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C PFA4Q12006 378 aa3.65□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C URA3P03962 267 aa3.64□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C SES1P07284 462 aaKnown RBP3.64□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C SCO2P38072 301 aa3.64□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YGR237CP50089 785 aa3.64□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YDL242WQ07746 117 aa3.64□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C RMP1Q12530 201 aa3.64□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C CNA1P23287 553 aa3.63□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C MAD2P40958 196 aa3.63□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YJL107CP42947 387 aa3.63□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C NRT1Q08485 598 aa3.63□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YOR389WQ08912 624 aa3.63□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C RTK1Q12100 620 aaPredicted RBP3.63□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C SEC18P18759 758 aaKnown RBP3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YCR061WP25639 631 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C PET309P32522 965 aaPredicted RBP3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C STB5P38699 743 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C ARO9P38840 513 aaPredicted RBP3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C SSP120P39931 234 aaKnown RBP3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C GSM1P42950 618 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YNR071CP53757 342 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YAT1P80235 687 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YML053CQ04978 212 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YMR034CQ05131 434 aaPredicted RBP3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C CWC2Q12046 339 aaPredicted RBP3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C DIN7Q12086 430 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C HOS1Q12214 470 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C RRI1Q12468 440 aa3.62□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YFL068WP0CX99 160 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YLL066W-AP0CY00 160 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YLL067W-AP0CY01 160 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C RKM3P38222 552 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C MET30P39014 640 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C EAF5P39995 279 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C VRG4P40107 337 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C SKP2P42843 763 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C NIT2P47016 307 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YPT11P48559 417 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C ACS1Q01574 713 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YPL191CQ08930 360 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YER175W-AQ8TGU4 54 aa3.61□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C GSH1P32477 678 aa3.6□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C UBP7P40453 1071 aa3.6□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C IDS2P46958 469 aa3.6□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C ORC5P50874 479 aa3.6□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C VBA2P38358 474 aaKnown RBP3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C ARN1P38731 627 aa3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C LNP1P38878 278 aa3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C STL1P39932 569 aa3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YIL169CP40442 995 aa3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YMR317WQ04893 1140 aa3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C RTT103Q05543 409 aa3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C YGR161W-CQ3E744 92 aa3.59□□□□□ -1.83
RVS161YCR009C ECM22Q05958 814 aaPredicted RBP3.58□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C GSH2Q08220 491 aa3.58□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C COX11P19516 300 aaKnown RBP3.57□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C PRE2P30656 287 aaKnown RBP3.57□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C TPA1P40032 644 aaKnown RBP3.57□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C SAD1P43589 448 aa3.57□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C YNL144CP53907 740 aa3.57□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C NIC96P34077 839 aa3.56□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C ERC1P38767 581 aa3.56□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C PCL6P40038 420 aa3.56□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C CDC1P40986 491 aa3.56□□□□□ -1.84
RVS161YCR009C SPC105P53148 917 aa3.56□□□□□ -1.84
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 101.9 ms