RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YLR303W

MET17, Transcript of O-acetyl homoserine-O-acetyl serine sulfhydrylase, yeastyeast

Gene MET17, Length 1,335 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
MET17YLR303W SND1Q04007 877 aa4.69□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W YDR338CQ05497 695 aa4.69□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W TMA10Q06177 86 aa4.69□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W LAM4P38800 1345 aa4.69□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W CHO2P05374 869 aaKnown RBP4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W SES1P07284 462 aaKnown RBP4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W RGT1P32862 1170 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W DID4P36108 232 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W MPT5P39016 859 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data4.68□□□□□ -1.66not detected
MET17YLR303W PZF1P39933 429 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W DUG1P43616 481 aaKnown RBP4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W ATG36P46983 293 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W SSY5P47002 699 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W DAS1P47005 663 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W MTR3P48240 250 aaPredicted RBP4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W PEX8P53248 589 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W VPS62P53285 467 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W ARP5P53946 755 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W COG6P53959 839 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W TPO1Q07824 586 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W THI21Q08975 551 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W SLX4Q12098 748 aa4.68□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W NUC1P08466 329 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W KAR1P11927 433 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W PEP3P27801 918 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W TFC4P33339 1025 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W MYO3P36006 1272 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W AAP1P37898 856 aaKnown RBP4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W MAL31P38156 614 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W PHO88P38264 188 aaPredicted RBP4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W YHR078WP38799 552 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W CWC22P53333 577 aaKnown RBP4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W GPD1Q00055 391 aaKnown RBP4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W Q0142Q9ZZW4 58 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W TUS1Q06412 1307 aa4.67□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W TY1B-AO13527 1196 aaKnown RBP4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W CDC6P09119 513 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W SAM1P10659 382 aaKnown RBP4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W MAK31P23059 88 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W MIH1P23748 554 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W MCM4P30665 933 aaKnown RBP4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W PRO3P32263 286 aaKnown RBP4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W UTR4P32626 227 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W SAK1P38990 1142 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W YFL040WP43562 540 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W PCL10P53124 433 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W ORC4P54791 529 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W PTA1Q01329 785 aaPredicted RBP4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W SLD5Q03406 294 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W YHM2Q04013 314 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W VIP1Q06685 1146 aaKnown RBP4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W RXT3Q07458 294 aa4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W WHI4Q07655 649 aaKnown RBP4.66□□□□□ -1.66
MET17YLR303W CDC20P26309 610 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W NGG1P32494 702 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SEC6P32844 805 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SAS3P34218 831 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W LST4P34239 828 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W UIP5P36137 443 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W CCT5P40413 562 aaKnown RBP4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SDP1P40479 209 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SPO22P40511 975 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W MET12P46151 657 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W FMS1P50264 508 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SPC105P53148 917 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SLI1P53304 468 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W BRE5P53741 515 aaKnown RBP4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W ECM9Q02202 377 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W YAP6Q03935 383 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SUT2Q12286 268 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SWM1Q12379 170 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W YLR149CQ99296 730 aa4.65□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W PLC1P32383 869 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W MCR1P36060 302 aaKnown RBP4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W CTF8P38877 133 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W LIF1P53150 421 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W MDM1Q01846 1127 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W FMP30Q02883 468 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SPH1Q06160 661 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W TFC6Q06339 672 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W ADY3Q07732 790 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W GPB1Q08886 897 aa4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W PGA3Q12746 312 aaKnown RBP4.64□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W HIS5P07172 385 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W RNR3P21672 869 aaKnown RBP4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W EMC1P25574 760 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W REG2P38232 338 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W EMP65P40085 556 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W GPP2P40106 250 aaKnown RBP4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W CSM2P40465 213 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W NIT2P47016 307 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W PHO23P50947 330 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SLD3P53135 668 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W CSM3Q04659 317 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W YDR341CQ05506 607 aaKnown RBP4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W YPR027CQ12079 277 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W MDM20Q12387 796 aaKnown RBP4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W RTP1Q12751 981 aa4.63□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W ATP4P05626 244 aa4.62□□□□□ -1.67
MET17YLR303W SNA3P14359 133 aa4.62□□□□□ -1.67
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 75.9 ms