Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P32588

PUB1, Nuclear and cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA-binding protein PUB1, yeastyeast

Known RBP RIP-Chip data

Length 453 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
PUB1P32588 HMI1YOL095C 2121 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 DSE4YNR067C 3354 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 MRD1YPR112C 2664 nt2.36□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 SAP190YKR028W 3102 nt2.36□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YCR102W-AYCR102W-A 198 nt2.36□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 YBL039C-AYBL039C-A 84 nt2.36□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 YNL266WYNL266W 420 nt2.36□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 ALK1YGL021W 2283 nt2.36□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 VTC3YPL019C 2508 nt2.35□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 APL2YKL135C 2181 nt2.35□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 LCL1YPL056C 306 nt2.35□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 MDS3YGL197W 4464 nt2.34□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 IKI3YLR384C 4050 nt2.34□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 FLO11YIR019C 4104 nt2.33□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 YIL156W-BYIL156W-B 222 nt2.33□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 UBP1YDL122W 2430 nt2.33□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 ARP8YOR141C 2646 nt2.33□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 SDC25YLL016W 3147 nt2.32□□□□□ -2.04 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YBR072C-AYBR072C-A 162 nt2.32□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 COG6YNL041C 2520 nt2.32□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 PDR1YGL013C 3207 nt2.32□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 NUP157YER105C 4176 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 TRA1YHR099W 11235 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 SMC2YFR031C 3513 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 DCP2YNL118C 2913 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 APL1YJR005W 2103 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 YLL020CYLL020C 306 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YBL071C-BYBL071C-B 99 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 MET6YER091C 2304 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 CDC53YDL132W 2448 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 BUB1YGR188C 3066 nt2.31□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 FIR1YER032W 2631 nt2.3□□□□□ -2.04 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 HSL1YKL101W 4557 nt2.3□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 MMS22YLR320W 4365 nt2.29□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 JSN1YJR091C 3276 nt2.29□□□□□ -2.04 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 DNA2YHR164C 4569 nt2.29□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 RSE1YML049C 4086 nt2.28□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 tM(CAU)Q2tM(CAU)Q2 78 nt2.28□□□□□ -2.04
PUB1P32588 BFR2YDR299W 1605 nt2.28□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 YOR055WYOR055W 435 nt2.27□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 BNR1YIL159W 4128 nt2.27□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 TAH1YCR060W 336 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 tW(CCA)G1tW(CCA)G1 72 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 tW(CCA)G2tW(CCA)G2 72 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 tW(CCA)JtW(CCA)J 72 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 tW(CCA)KtW(CCA)K 72 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 tW(CCA)MtW(CCA)M 72 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 tW(CCA)PtW(CCA)P 72 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 snR53snR53 91 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 SLN1YIL147C 3663 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 UBP15YMR304W 3693 nt2.26□□□□□ -2.05 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 SPF1YEL031W 3648 nt2.25□□□□□ -2.05 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 VPS13YLL040C 9435 nt2.25□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 PKH2YOL100W 3246 nt2.25□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 BIR1YJR089W 2865 nt2.25□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 SVL3YPL032C 2478 nt2.25□□□□□ -2.05 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 CBF2YGR140W 2871 nt2.24□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 YLR035C-AYLR035C-A 3468 nt2.24□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 NFT1YKR103W 3657 nt2.24□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 snR70snR70 164 nt2.24□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 YGL123C-AYGL123C-A 231 nt2.24□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 TAF2YCR042C 4224 nt2.24□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 INP51YIL002C 2841 nt2.24□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 YOR343W-BYOR343W-B 5313 nt2.23□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 KAP120YPL125W 3099 nt2.23□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 EAF1YDR359C 2949 nt2.23□□□□□ -2.05 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 NAB6YML117W 3405 nt2.23□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 MLH3YPL164C 2148 nt2.23□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 FKS3YMR306W 5358 nt2.23□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 PSK1YAL017W 4071 nt2.22□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 YDR209CYDR209C 414 nt2.22□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 YDR210WYDR210W 228 nt2.22□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 RPL37BYDR500C 267 nt2.22□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 YOR161W-AYOR161W-A 81 nt2.22□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 MAK10YEL053C 2202 nt2.22□□□□□ -2.05
PUB1P32588 IRA2YOL081W 9240 nt2.22□□□□□ -2.05 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 COG4YPR105C 2586 nt2.21□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 SGM1YJR134C 2124 nt2.2□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 SMC6YLR383W 3345 nt2.2□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 YJL127W-AYJL127W-A 117 nt2.2□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 IST2YBR086C 2841 nt2.2□□□□□ -2.06 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 SEC1YDR164C 2175 nt2.19□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 CHC1YGL206C 4962 nt2.19□□□□□ -2.06 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 SAP185YJL098W 3177 nt2.19□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 ISW1YBR245C 3390 nt2.19□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 UFD2YDL190C 2886 nt2.19□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 MSH5YDL154W 2706 nt2.18□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 YGR240C-AYGR240C-A 201 nt2.18□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 YBL100W-CYBL100W-C 120 nt2.18□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 YOL164W-AYOL164W-A 183 nt2.18□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 YDL206WYDL206W 2289 nt2.17□□□□□ -2.06 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 RPS26AYGL189C 360 nt2.17□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 YMR175W-AYMR175W-A 195 nt2.17□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 FYV10YIL097W 1551 nt2.17□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 PDR11YIL013C 4236 nt2.16□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 PDR3YBL005W 2931 nt2.16□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 SCD5YOR329C 2619 nt2.16□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 COX5BYIL111W 456 nt2.16□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 GLG1YKR058W 1851 nt2.16□□□□□ -2.06
PUB1P32588 SLI15YBR156C 2097 nt2.15□□□□□ -2.07 RIP-Chip
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 85.5 ms