Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38428

CUE1, Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 203 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUE1P38428 YHR210CYHR210C 1026 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 HRI1YLR301W 735 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 RIO2YNL207W 1278 nt1.62□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 KIP1YBL063W 3336 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 SPO22YIL073C 2928 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YCR087C-AYCR087C-A 462 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YDL163WYDL163W 303 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YDR286CYDR286C 345 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 GEP7YGL057C 864 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 AIM23YJL131C 1071 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YJR023CYJR023C 402 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 VPS63YLR261C 327 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YPL238CYPL238C 390 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 MUD1YBR119W 897 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 RPB5YBR154C 648 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 NCL1YBL024W 2055 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 KAR1YNL188W 1302 nt1.61□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 ADR1YDR216W 3972 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 RSM28YDR494W 1086 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 tT(UGU)HtT(UGU)H 72 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 RPL40AYIL148W 387 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YJL086CYJL086C 369 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YET1YKL065C 621 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YLR255CYLR255C 354 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YLR458WYLR458W 381 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YNL179CYNL179C 438 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 BFA1YJR053W 1725 nt1.6□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 MYO4YAL029C 4416 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 SEC31YDL195W 3822 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 TBS1YBR150C 3285 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 TSA2YDR453C 591 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YDR537CYDR537C 606 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YGR109W-AYGR109W-A 873 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 GPN3YLR243W 819 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 SFG1YOR315W 1041 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 YPL119C-AYPL119C-A 264 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.15
CUE1P38428 UTP21YLR409C 2820 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 PEX8YGR077C 1770 nt1.59□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 HSH155YMR288W 2916 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 MRPL32YCR003W 552 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YDL025W-AYDL025W-A 105 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 SEM1YDR363W-A 270 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 SMD1YGR074W 441 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YAL064WYAL064W 285 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 VAM3YOR106W 852 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YPL034WYPL034W 498 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YCL007CYCL007C 393 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 PKH3YDR466W 2697 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 SPC72YAL047C 1869 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 SLS1YLR139C 1932 nt1.58□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 CRD1YDL142C 852 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YGL014C-AYGL014C-A 162 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 VMA7YGR020C 357 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 CSE4YKL049C 690 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 MRPS8YMR158W 468 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YOL106WYOL106W 354 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 SPR2YOR214C 711 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 KAR9YPL269W 1935 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 NAM7YMR080C 2916 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 NDD1YOR372C 1665 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YJR039WYJR039W 3366 nt1.57□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YDL062WYDL062W 426 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 COX3Q0275 810 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YIR021W-AYIR021W-A 213 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YMR052C-AYMR052C-A 366 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 MGR1YCL044C 1254 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 GRR1YJR090C 3456 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 GAL80YML051W 1308 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 NCS2YNL119W 1482 nt1.56□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 15S_rRNA15S_rRNA 1649 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 BTT1YDR252W 450 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 LOC1YFR001W 615 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 RPI1YIL119C 1224 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 TAP42YMR028W 1101 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YOR343W-BYOR343W-B 5313 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 RTP1YMR185W 2946 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YJL016WYJL016W 1686 nt1.55□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 PBP4YDL053C 558 nt1.54□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 RPF2YKR081C 1035 nt1.54□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 ATP18YML081C-A 180 nt1.54□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YMR272W-BYMR272W-B 108 nt1.54□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 DAD1YDR016C 285 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YDR248CYDR248C 582 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 FAR7YFR008W 666 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YGL042CYGL042C 306 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YHR050W-AYHR050W-A 171 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 IST3YIR005W 447 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 VPS35YJL154C 2835 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 HHT2YNL031C 411 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YOL038C-AYOL038C-A 96 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YOL159C-AYOL159C-A 273 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 SAR1YPL218W 573 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 YGR109W-BYGR109W-B 4644 nt1.53□□□□□ -2.16
CUE1P38428 SAG1YJR004C 1953 nt1.52□□□□□ -2.17
CUE1P38428 ARP7YPR034W 1434 nt1.52□□□□□ -2.17
CUE1P38428 PLC1YPL268W 2610 nt1.52□□□□□ -2.17
CUE1P38428 SBE22YHR103W 2559 nt1.52□□□□□ -2.17
CUE1P38428 YIR020C-BYIR020C-B 735 nt1.52□□□□□ -2.17
CUE1P38428 YJL127C-BYJL127C-B 159 nt1.52□□□□□ -2.17
CUE1P38428 BUD19YJL188C 309 nt1.52□□□□□ -2.17
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 19.7 ms