Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38804

RTC3, Restriction of telomere capping protein 3, yeastyeast

Predicted RBP Predictions only

Length 111 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RTC3P38804 PFY1YOR122C 381 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 ARA1YBR149W 1035 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 PRP31YGR091W 1485 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 FLO11YIR019C 4104 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 CYR1YJL005W 6081 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 REC8YPR007C 2043 nt2.75□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 MET5YJR137C 4329 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 snR57snR57 88 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 MRH1YDR033W 963 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 HIM1YDR317W 1245 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YEL075CYEL075C 369 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 EFG1YGR271C-A 702 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 GCD14YJL125C 1152 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YNL320WYNL320W 855 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 SYC1YOR179C 567 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YPR078CYPR078C 1119 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 DIA2YOR080W 2199 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 STE23YLR389C 3084 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 NET1YJL076W 3570 nt2.74□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 MET6YER091C 2304 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 ICR1ICR1 3199 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 HTA1YDR225W 399 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 TYS1YGR185C 1185 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 RPC17YJL011C 486 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YLL037WYLL037W 381 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YLR444CYLR444C 303 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YOR062CYOR062C 807 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 GEA1YJR031C 4227 nt2.73□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YCK2YNL154C 1641 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 HPA3YEL066W 540 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 THO1YER063W 657 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 PTI1YGR156W 1278 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YHR214C-DYHR214C-D 294 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 RPL17BYJL177W 555 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 MBR1YKL093W 1020 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 TPO5YKL174C 1857 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 SRN2YLR119W 642 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YAR069CYAR069C 294 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 INO4YOL108C 456 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 MRP2YPR166C 348 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 YDR239CYDR239C 2364 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 CHO2YGR157W 2610 nt2.72□□□□□ -1.97
RTC3P38804 PSY2YNL201C 2577 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 EAP1YKL204W 1899 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 AKR1YDR264C 2295 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YDL050CYDL050C 372 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 ARF1YDL192W 546 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 PEX14YGL153W 1026 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YKL156C-AYKL156C-A 117 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 SEC14YMR079W 915 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 MPD2YOL088C 834 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 PFK27YOL136C 1194 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YPL035CYPL035C 348 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 VPS30YPL120W 1674 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 DSE4YNR067C 3354 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 CWC22YGR278W 1734 nt2.71□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 ABD1YBR236C 1311 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 MPS1YDL028C 2295 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 IRC6YFR043C 714 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YGL101WYGL101W 648 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YGR160WYGR160W 612 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 PXR1YGR280C 816 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 RSF1YMR030W 1131 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 MRPL16YBL038W 699 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 LCL1YPL056C 306 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 21S_rRNA21S_rRNA 3296 nt2.7□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 SUP45YBR143C 1314 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 SCL1YGL011C 759 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 DOG2YHR043C 741 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 ATP12YJL180C 978 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 AIM26YKL037W 357 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YLR076CYLR076C 423 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 RPL20BYOR312C 519 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 PKP2YGL059W 1476 nt2.69□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YLR278CYLR278C 4026 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 CTH1YDR151C 978 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 APA2YDR530C 978 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 HMX1YLR205C 954 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 GOT1YMR292W 417 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YNR062CYNR062C 984 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 OXR1YPL196W 822 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 CDC40YDR364C 1368 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 MMS1YPR164W 4224 nt2.68□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 CHS2YBR038W 2892 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 ESC1YMR219W 4977 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 PLM2YDR501W 1566 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 RRP42YDL111C 798 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YDR222WYDR222W 1248 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 HYP2YEL034W 474 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 tK(UUU)DtK(UUU)D 73 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 tK(UUU)G1tK(UUU)G1 73 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 tK(UUU)G2tK(UUU)G2 73 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 tK(UUU)KtK(UUU)K 73 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 tK(UUU)LtK(UUU)L 73 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 tK(UUU)OtK(UUU)O 73 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 tK(UUU)PtK(UUU)P 73 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YFL051CYFL051C 483 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YIL175WYIL175W 318 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 YJL222W-BYJL222W-B 138 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
RTC3P38804 RDN58-1RDN58-1 158 nt2.67□□□□□ -1.98
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 47.9 ms