RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YLR453C

RIF2, Transcript of Protein that binds to the Rap1p C-terminus, yeastyeast

Gene RIF2, Length 1,188 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
RIF2YLR453C RPN3P40016 523 aaKnown RBP5.71□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C TPP1Q03796 238 aa5.71□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C GNT1Q12096 491 aa5.71□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C INO1P11986 533 aa5.7□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C BAS1P22035 811 aa5.7□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C KIP1P28742 1111 aa5.7□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C MCM7P38132 845 aa5.7□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C OCA5P38738 679 aa5.7□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C SPF1P39986 1215 aaKnown RBP5.7□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C SHE9Q04172 456 aa5.7□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C PRI2P20457 528 aa5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C MLS1P30952 554 aa5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C PIN4P34217 668 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data5.69□□□□□ -1.5not detected
RIF2YLR453C YKL107WP34251 309 aa5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YJL045WP47052 634 aa5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C EAR1Q03212 550 aa5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C TDA5Q06417 326 aaKnown RBP5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YVC1Q12324 675 aa5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C SPO21Q12411 609 aa5.69□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C PUF4P25339 888 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data5.68□□□□□ -1.5not detected
RIF2YLR453C WHI3P34761 661 aaKnown RBP5.68□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C MRP8P35719 219 aa5.68□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YKL069WP36088 180 aa5.68□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C SEA4P38164 1038 aa5.68□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C RCM1P53972 490 aa5.68□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YLR225CQ05948 407 aaKnown RBP5.68□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C NSI1Q12457 570 aa5.68□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C ABD1P32783 436 aaPredicted RBP5.67□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YSC84P32793 468 aa5.67□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C MOT2P34909 587 aaKnown RBP5.67□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C TNA1P53322 534 aa5.67□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C NAN1Q02931 896 aaKnown RBP5.67□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YPL066WQ12194 479 aa5.67□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C COQ4O13525 335 aa5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C SRO9P25567 434 aaKnown RBP5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YHL012WP38709 493 aa5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C TAT2P38967 592 aa5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C OYE3P41816 400 aaPredicted RBP5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YGL176CP46945 554 aa5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C HOS3Q02959 697 aaKnown RBP5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C ESC2Q06340 456 aa5.66□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YER152CP10356 443 aa5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C GRX1P25373 110 aaKnown RBP5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C MDL2P33311 773 aa5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C VBA5P36172 582 aa5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C BAP2P38084 609 aa5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C NMD3P38861 518 aaKnown RBP5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C GPB2P39717 880 aa5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C YOL098CQ12496 1037 aa5.65□□□□□ -1.5
RIF2YLR453C SAM35P14693 329 aa5.64□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C PBY1P38254 753 aa5.64□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C CCZ1P38273 704 aa5.64□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C PNT1P38969 423 aa5.64□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C SDH1Q00711 640 aa5.64□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C SPP382Q06411 708 aaPredicted RBP5.64□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C SNF5P18480 905 aa5.63□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C PIK1P39104 1066 aa5.63□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C PEX7P39108 375 aa5.63□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C IRR1P40541 1150 aa5.63□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C TRE1Q08919 783 aa5.63□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C YTA7P40340 1379 aa5.63□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C GCD1P09032 578 aaPredicted RBP5.62□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C SCT1P32784 759 aa5.62□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C SIP5P40210 489 aaKnown RBP5.62□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C ORC1P54784 914 aaPredicted RBP5.62□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C RPL11AP0C0W9 174 aaKnown RBP5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C STI1P15705 589 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data5.61□□□□□ -1.51not detected
RIF2YLR453C YBR184WP38299 523 aa5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C GEM1P39722 662 aa5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C NSE3Q05541 303 aa5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C SPO75Q07798 868 aa5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C NBA1Q08229 501 aaKnown RBP5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C ACM1Q08981 209 aa5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C RPL11BQ3E757 174 aaPredicted RBP5.61□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C THS1P04801 734 aaKnown RBP5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C RAD4P14736 754 aa5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C PRP9P19736 530 aaKnown RBP5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C RNQ1P25367 405 aa5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C STE5P32917 917 aa5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C LRG1P35688 1017 aa5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C BDF2Q07442 638 aa5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C RSC58Q07979 502 aa5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C FMP25Q08023 583 aa5.6□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C SLA2P33338 968 aa5.59□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C MBP1P39678 833 aa5.59□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C UBP5P39944 805 aa5.59□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C IOC3P43596 787 aa5.59□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C FPR4Q06205 392 aaPredicted RBP5.59□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C RCL1Q08096 367 aaPredicted RBP5.59□□□□□ -1.51
RIF2YLR453C DBP2P24783 546 aaKnown RBP5.58□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C ADP1P25371 1049 aa5.58□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C PRO1P32264 428 aa5.58□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C SEG2P34250 1132 aa5.58□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C MXR1P40029 184 aa5.58□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C GUS1P46655 708 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data5.58□□□□□ -1.52not detected
RIF2YLR453C PFD1P46988 109 aa5.58□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C TIM54P47045 478 aa5.58□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C SRP40P32583 406 aaPredicted RBP5.57□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C UGA2P38067 497 aa5.57□□□□□ -1.52
RIF2YLR453C POL12P38121 705 aaPredicted RBP5.57□□□□□ -1.52
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 33.5 ms