Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P32588

PUB1, Nuclear and cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA-binding protein PUB1, yeastyeast

Known RBP RIP-Chip data

Length 453 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
PUB1P32588 RRP6YOR001W 2202 nt2.52□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 STE11YLR362W 2154 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YDR098C-BYDR098C-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YDR210C-DYDR210C-D 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YDR316W-BYDR316W-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YDR365W-BYDR365W-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YER138CYER138C 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YER160CYER160C 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YGR038C-BYGR038C-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YGR161C-DYGR161C-D 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YJR027WYJR027W 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YLR157C-BYLR157C-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YML039WYML039W 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YML045WYML045W 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YMR050CYMR050C 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YOL103W-BYOL103W-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YBR012W-BYBR012W-B 5271 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YOR142W-BYOR142W-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YPL257W-BYPL257W-B 5268 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YPR158W-BYPR158W-B 5271 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YME2YMR302C 2553 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YMR242W-AYMR242W-A 90 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 DBP10YDL031W 2988 nt2.51□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 ENA5YDR038C 3276 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 NAM7YMR080C 2916 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 QCR9YGR183C 201 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 HSH155YMR288W 2916 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 AXL1YPR122W 3627 nt2.5□□□□□ -2.01 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 DUG2YBR281C 2637 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YLR154C-HYLR154C-H 132 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YLR156C-AYLR156C-A 132 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YLR157C-CYLR157C-C 132 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YLR159C-AYLR159C-A 132 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YOR394C-AYOR394C-A 168 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 SET3YKR029C 2256 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 IRR1YIL026C 3453 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 ESL2YKR096W 3588 nt2.49□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 KAP123YER110C 3342 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YIL002W-AYIL002W-A 210 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 SNC1YAL030W 354 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 BCK1YJL095W 4437 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 IRC8YJL051W 2469 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 SLM1YIL105C 2061 nt2.48□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 AFI1YOR129C 2682 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YNL018CYNL018C 1839 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 YGL182CYGL182C 324 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 snR39BsnR39B 96 nt2.47□□□□□ -2.01
PUB1P32588 CRM1YGR218W 3255 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.01 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 YAL037C-AYAL037C-A 93 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 CRS5YOR031W 210 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 STB6YKL072W 2301 nt2.46□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 MAD1YGL086W 2250 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 INP53YOR109W 3324 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YFR016CYFR016C 3702 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 SRO77YBL106C 3033 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 PDR8YLR266C 2106 nt2.45□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YJL026C-AYJL026C-A 222 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 CAF120YNL278W 3183 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 NET1YJL076W 3570 nt2.44□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 TCB2YNL087W 3537 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 DGR2YKL121W 2559 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YAL042C-AYAL042C-A 378 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YOR108C-AYOR108C-A 210 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 IFH1YLR223C 3258 nt2.43□□□□□ -2.02 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 VPS16YPL045W 2397 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YHR086W-AYHR086W-A 162 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YKR075W-AYKR075W-A 270 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 ESC1YMR219W 4977 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 TTI1YKL033W 3117 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 GCV2YMR189W 3105 nt2.42□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YDR186CYDR186C 2634 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 SRB8YCR081W 4284 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 SIN3YOL004W 4611 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 SAP1YER047C 2694 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 SAS3YBL052C 2496 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 SEC26YDR238C 2922 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 LHS1YKL073W 2646 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YPP1YGR198W 2454 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 PRP8YHR165C 7242 nt2.41□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 PTP2YOR208W 2253 nt2.4□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 MGM1YOR211C 2646 nt2.4□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 RPO41YFL036W 4056 nt2.4□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 YBL005W-BYBL005W-B 5268 nt2.4□□□□□ -2.02
PUB1P32588 ZRG8YER033C 3231 nt2.4□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 ENV11YGR071C 2583 nt2.39□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 ACB1YGR037C 264 nt2.39□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 KTI11YBL071W-A 249 nt2.39□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 UTP8YGR128C 2142 nt2.39□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 RGR1YLR071C 3249 nt2.39□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 NOP14YDL148C 2433 nt2.39□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 YPL150WYPL150W 2706 nt2.39□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 YGR109W-BYGR109W-B 4644 nt2.38□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 YDR034C-AYDR034C-A 177 nt2.38□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 PHO91YNR013C 2685 nt2.38□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 MLH1YMR167W 2310 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 ATG11YPR049C 3537 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 NEW1YPL226W 3591 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03 RIP-Chip
PUB1P32588 NUM1YDR150W 8247 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 YDR521WYDR521W 336 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03
PUB1P32588 YOL083C-AYOL083C-A 141 nt2.37□□□□□ -2.03
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 105.7 ms