Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38428

CUE1, Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 203 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUE1P38428 RSA1YPL193W 1146 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 KSP1YHR082C 3090 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 GPI17YDR434W 1605 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YDR179W-AYDR179W-A 1392 nt1.98□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 MSB1YOR188W 3414 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ARP5YNL059C 2268 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ESA1YOR244W 1338 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YDR203WYDR203W 318 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YGL117WYGL117W 798 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YGL204CYGL204C 306 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 PAU14YIL176C 363 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 PAU1YJL223C 363 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ATG10YLL042C 504 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 ATX1YNL259C 222 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YBR090CYBR090C 369 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 TOR2YKL203C 7425 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 INO80YGL150C 4470 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 BFR1YOR198C 1413 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 INP53YOR109W 3324 nt1.97□□□□□ -2.09
CUE1P38428 YEA4YEL004W 1029 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YGR053CYGR053C 852 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 ERG25YGR060W 930 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 AYR1YIL124W 894 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 ARG3YJL088W 1017 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 ASG7YJL170C 630 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 IGO1YNL157W 507 nt1.96□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 IRC8YJL051W 2469 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YCR108CYCR108C 192 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SNA4YDL123W 423 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 CBS2YDR197W 1170 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 FYV4YHR059W 393 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 ECI1YLR284C 843 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 TMA10YLR327C 261 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 UFE1YOR075W 1041 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YOR283WYOR283W 693 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 VTC3YPL019C 2508 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 GCN2YDR283C 4980 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 TOR1YJR066W 7413 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 NUP170YBL079W 4509 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YEL043WYEL043W 2871 nt1.95□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 DNF1YER166W 4716 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 GUK1YDR454C 564 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YER189WYER189W 369 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 RPL16BYNL069C 597 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YOR097CYOR097C 528 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 MBA1YBR185C 837 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 TMN3YER113C 2121 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YKL075CYKL075C 1353 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 PRP6YBR055C 2700 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SPP41YDR464W 4308 nt1.94□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SAC3YDR159W 3906 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SCP160YJL080C 3669 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SIP3YNL257C 3690 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YEL057CYEL057C 702 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YGL242CYGL242C 546 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 GTR2YGR163W 1026 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 PSY1YKL076C 384 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YPT52YKR014C 705 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 TYE7YOR344C 876 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 HAT1YPL001W 1125 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 ALG14YBR070C 714 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 TRZ1YKR079C 2517 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 GIP3YPL137C 3831 nt1.93□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YIL166CYIL166C 1629 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SSD1YDR293C 3753 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YCR090CYCR090C 549 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 GET1YGL020C 708 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 RPL11BYGR085C 525 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YLL044WYLL044W 447 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 GRE2YOL151W 1029 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SGT1YOR057W 1188 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 RPL11AYPR102C 525 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SEC66YBR171W 621 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 UBX3YDL091C 1368 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 VPS16YPL045W 2397 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SEC16YPL085W 6588 nt1.92□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SSP1YHR184W 1716 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 MFB1YDR219C 1398 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 GIC2YDR309C 1152 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 RPS17BYDR447C 411 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 RPL27BYDR471W 411 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 ALB1YJL122W 528 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 END3YNL084C 1050 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 PEP12YOR036W 867 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YOR366WYOR366W 354 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 PET20YPL159C 762 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YPR145C-AYPR145C-A 237 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 snR24snR24 89 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 PEX34YCL056C 435 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SNU114YKL173W 3027 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 DAL5YJR152W 1632 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 SLK19YOR195W 2466 nt1.91□□□□□ -2.1
CUE1P38428 YAL059C-AYAL059C-A 423 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 DIA1YMR316W 1011 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 RRT16YNL105W 429 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YOL162WYOL162W 648 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 SLM4YBR077C 489 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 YBR277CYBR277C 402 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 PRK1YIL095W 2433 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
CUE1P38428 GIS1YDR096W 2685 nt1.9□□□□□ -2.11
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 48.9 ms