Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38428

CUE1, Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 203 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUE1P38428 PEX32YBR168W 1242 nt4.94□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 MCM3YEL032W 2916 nt4.94□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 RGT1YKL038W 3513 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 VTC2YFL004W 2487 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 DOT5YIL010W 648 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 YNL042W-BYNL042W-B 258 nt4.93□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 VCX1YDL128W 1236 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 RME1YGR044C 903 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 RPL10YLR075W 666 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 ODC2YOR222W 924 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 AVO1YOL078W 3531 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 ECM7YLR443W 1347 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 MAL11YGR289C 1851 nt4.92□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 GIT1YCR098C 1557 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 MNN2YBR015C 1794 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 SRG1SRG1 551 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 TRP1YDR007W 675 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 ZRT2YLR130C 1269 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 CTS2YDR371W 1536 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 GAT1YFL021W 1533 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 ISN1YOR155C 1353 nt4.91□□□□□ -1.62
CUE1P38428 YDL129WYDL129W 876 nt4.9□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 LEU5YHR002W 1074 nt4.9□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YJU3YKL094W 942 nt4.9□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YOR200WYOR200W 399 nt4.9□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SPC97YHR172W 2472 nt4.9□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 QRI1YDL103C 1434 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 UTP4YDR324C 2331 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 PDE1YGL248W 1110 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 HAP3YBL021C 435 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ERI1YPL096C-A 207 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 UIP4YPL186C 915 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 GUA1YMR217W 1578 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 OXP1YKL215C 3861 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ERC1YHR032W 1746 nt4.89□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YDR109CYDR109C 2148 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ECM3YOR092W 1842 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 HAP2YGL237C 798 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YGR176WYGR176W 348 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YKL107WYKL107W 930 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ENV7YPL236C 1095 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SUE1YPR151C 621 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 LYS21YDL131W 1323 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 CLP1YOR250C 1338 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 UBX2YML013W 1755 nt4.88□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YAP1801YHR161C 1914 nt4.87□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ABZ1YNR033W 2364 nt4.87□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YPK2YMR104C 2034 nt4.87□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 APE3YBR286W 1614 nt4.87□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 BUD32YGR262C 786 nt4.87□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 GCV3YAL044C 513 nt4.87□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YMR135W-AYMR135W-A 534 nt4.87□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 PAP1YKR002W 1707 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 PKC1YBL105C 3456 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SIT4YDL047W 936 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 RPL12AYEL054C 498 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SUP19tS(UGA)E 82 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SUP17tS(UGA)I 82 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SUP16tS(UGA)P 82 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 STM1YLR150W 822 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ASH1YKL185W 1767 nt4.86□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 HSP78YDR258C 2436 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YER148W-AYER148W-A 579 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 RPS2YGL123W 765 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YIR017W-AYIR017W-A 600 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 PFA3YNL326C 1011 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ENV9YOR246C 993 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 UBC11YOR339C 471 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 COR1YBL045C 1374 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 DIA3YDL024C 1407 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SIP5YMR140W 1470 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 SKS1YPL026C 1509 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 FET3YMR058W 1911 nt4.85□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YML082WYML082W 1950 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YEH1YLL012W 1722 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 VAN1YML115C 1608 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ATP1YBL099W 1638 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ADE12YNL220W 1302 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 ATO3YDR384C 828 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 YPR160C-AYPR160C-A 285 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.63
CUE1P38428 VPS1YKR001C 2115 nt4.84□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 RFA1YAR007C 1866 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 ASF2YDL197C 1578 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 PRI2YKL045W 1587 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 EIS1YMR031C 2532 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 SEC20YDR498C 1152 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 IRC7YFR055W 1023 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 DJP1YIR004W 1299 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 CIN4YMR138W 576 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 NPT1YOR209C 1290 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 snR32snR32 188 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 VNX1YNL321W 2727 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 TAX4YJL083W 1815 nt4.83□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 SIP2YGL208W 1248 nt4.82□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 RHO3YIL118W 696 nt4.82□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 PRS1YKL181W 1284 nt4.82□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 ECM19YLR390W 339 nt4.82□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 RPN7YPR108W 1290 nt4.82□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 QDR3YBR043C 2070 nt4.82□□□□□ -1.64
CUE1P38428 SIA1YOR137C 1869 nt4.81□□□□□ -1.64
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 60.8 ms