RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: tP(AGG)N

SUF10, Transcript of Proline tRNA (tRNA-Pro), predicted by tRNAscan-SE analysis, yeastyeast

Gene SUF10, Length 72 nt, Biotype tRNA.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
SUF10tP(AGG)N ATG27P46989 271 aa9.98□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N MRP2P10663 115 aaPredicted RBP9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N AFR1P33304 620 aa9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N MRPS9P38120 278 aa9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N IMD2P38697 523 aaKnown RBP9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N CYB5P40312 120 aa9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N LOA1Q06508 300 aa9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N RXT3Q07458 294 aa9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N YOR352WQ08816 343 aa9.97□□□□□ -0.81
SUF10tP(AGG)N SFT2P38166 215 aa9.96□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N ICS2P38284 255 aa9.96□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N DSK2P48510 373 aa9.96□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N PBP4Q07362 185 aaKnown RBP9.96□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-BRQ12217 440 aa9.96□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N ERV2Q12284 196 aa9.96□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N RPB3P16370 318 aaKnown RBP9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N RNA15P25299 296 aaPredicted RBP9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N POP5P28005 173 aa9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N ATG8P38182 117 aaRIP-Chip data9.95□□□□□ -0.82not detected
SUF10tP(AGG)N LSM4P40070 187 aaKnown RBP9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N HAM1P47119 197 aaKnown RBP9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N HST4P53688 370 aa9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N SWT21P53873 357 aaPredicted RBP9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N SPG4Q04438 115 aa9.95□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N COX2P00410 251 aa9.94□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N PET494P07390 489 aaPredicted RBP9.94□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N YPS1P32329 569 aa9.94□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N RPS0AP32905 252 aaKnown RBP9.94□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N HSP10P38910 106 aa9.94□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N CCW14O13547 238 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-DR4O74302 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-AP0CX57 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-PR1P0CX58 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-ORP0CX59 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-PR2P0CX60 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-DR5P0CX65 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-ER2P0CX66 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-GR3P0CX67 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-LR1P0CX68 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-MR2P0CX69 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-JR2P47099 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N BNS1P50084 137 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N MGA1P53050 456 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N CPD1P53314 239 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N MRX11Q03079 207 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-DR1Q03856 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-ML1Q04706 440 aaKnown RBP9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-NL2Q12470 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-GR2Q12485 440 aa9.93□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N INO2P26798 304 aa9.92□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N VMA21P41806 77 aa9.92□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N DAD3P69850 94 aa9.92□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N YOR097CQ12274 175 aaPredicted RBP9.92□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N SNU23Q12368 194 aaPredicted RBP9.92□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N YHR173CP38864 112 aa9.91□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N PAU15P40585 124 aa9.91□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N YGR219WP53307 113 aa9.91□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N CAB4P53332 305 aa9.91□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N LDS2Q08218 356 aa9.91□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N YLR118CQ12354 227 aa9.91□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N YPR145C-AQ2V2P0 78 aa9.91□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N NTF2P33331 125 aaKnown RBP9.9□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N POR2P40478 281 aa9.9□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N GPI2P46961 280 aa9.9□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N OCA2P53949 197 aa9.9□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N IRC23Q08416 157 aa9.9□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N TIM18Q08749 192 aa9.9□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N AYT1Q12226 474 aa9.9□□□□□ -0.82
SUF10tP(AGG)N COQ3P27680 312 aa9.89□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N NNK1P36003 928 aa9.89□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N GTT1P40582 234 aa9.89□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N VPS55P47111 140 aa9.89□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N APS2Q00381 147 aa9.89□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N HOR7Q05827 59 aa9.89□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N FIT2Q08906 153 aa9.89□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N FMP49A0A023PZB3 126 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N CYC3P06182 269 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N DDI2P0CH63 225 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N DDI3P0CH64 225 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TIR2P33890 251 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N MIC12P38341 106 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N WWM1P43582 211 aaKnown RBP9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N UBC7Q02159 165 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N ATX2Q12067 313 aa9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N SMT3Q12306 101 aaKnown RBP9.88□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N LSM2P38203 95 aaKnown RBP9.87□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N YNL194CP40169 301 aa9.87□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N DAN1P47178 298 aa9.87□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N DCN1Q12395 269 aa9.87□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N MRS1P07266 363 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-LR4P0C2I8 440 aaKnown RBP9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N YHR213WP0CI67 198 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-DR6P0CX70 440 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-ER1P0CX71 440 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-LR2P0CX72 440 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-PLP0CX73 440 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-JR1P0CX74 440 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-LR3P0CX75 440 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N TY1A-ML2P0CX76 440 aa9.86□□□□□ -0.83
SUF10tP(AGG)N NHP6AP11632 93 aaKnown RBP9.86□□□□□ -0.83
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 12.7 ms