Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38346

BIT2, Probable target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit BIT2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 545 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
BIT2P38346 YDL158CYDL158C 309 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 GCV1YDR019C 1203 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 GIR2YDR152W 798 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 MRPL7YDR237W 879 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YLL047WYLL047W 384 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 ATG19YOL082W 1248 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YOR008W-BYOR008W-B 102 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 TUL1YKL034W 2277 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 EIS1YMR031C 2532 nt5.63□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 ALT1YLR089C 1779 nt5.62□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 RSC30YHR056C 2652 nt5.62□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 EFM4YIL064W 774 nt5.62□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 DAL82YNL314W 768 nt5.62□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 SLX1YBR228W 915 nt5.62□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 SAC6YDR129C 1929 nt5.62□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 PRR2YDL214C 2100 nt5.62□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 RHB1YCR027C 630 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YDL034WYDL034W 345 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YDR336WYDR336W 945 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YPR1YDR368W 939 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 IRC6YFR043C 714 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YGR176WYGR176W 348 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 PCT1YGR202C 1275 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 BZZ1YHR114W 1902 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 COS9YKL219W 1224 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 SIR1YKR101W 1965 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 GEP5YLR091W 882 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YBL077WYBL077W 432 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 MET16YPR167C 786 nt5.61□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 ENT2YLR206W 1842 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 BAP2YBR068C 1830 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 EKI1YDR147W 1605 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 GAS3YMR215W 1575 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 MGR3YMR115W 1506 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 HAS1YMR290C 1518 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 HFI1YPL254W 1467 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 BRL1YHR036W 1416 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 TEF1YPR080W 1377 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 TEF2YBR118W 1377 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 ADY2YCR010C 852 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YFT2YDR319C 825 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 TFS1YLR178C 660 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 VPS68YOL129W 555 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 FLC3YGL139W 2409 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 SKN1YGR143W 2316 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 DBF2YGR092W 1719 nt5.6□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YAP1801YHR161C 1914 nt5.59□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YGR283CYGR283C 1026 nt5.59□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YIL152WYIL152W 708 nt5.59□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 YLR374CYLR374C 390 nt5.59□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 SAS10YDL153C 1833 nt5.59□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 ARB1YER036C 1833 nt5.59□□□□□ -1.51
BIT2P38346 RAD7YJR052W 1698 nt5.59□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 MEC3YLR288C 1425 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 ABZ1YNR033W 2364 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 AIM10YER087W 1731 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 MTC5YDR128W 3447 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 MRPL32YCR003W 552 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 UBC1YDR177W 648 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 PHO92YDR374C 921 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 SIP2YGL208W 1248 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 CDA2YLR308W 939 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 YOL097W-AYOL097W-A 186 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 PRM2YIL037C 1971 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 ACF2YLR144C 2340 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 HST1YOL068C 1512 nt5.58□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 HXT4YHR092C 1731 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 RTT106YNL206C 1368 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 FAT3YKL187C 2253 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 URA3YEL021W 804 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 CBF1YJR060W 1056 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 SFC1YJR095W 969 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 EMG1YLR186W 759 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 ARG1YOL058W 1263 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 CWC27YPL064C 906 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 PIF1YML061C 2580 nt5.57□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 PTK2YJR059W 2457 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 YTA12YMR089C 2478 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 ERG7YHR072W 2196 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 ZRC1YMR243C 1329 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 YCR016WYCR016W 873 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 ARI1YGL157W 1044 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 SAW1YAL027W 786 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 PGU1YJR153W 1086 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 PSY3YLR376C 729 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 CKA2YOR061W 1020 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 PEX27YOR193W 1131 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 MPD1YOR288C 957 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 RMI1YPL024W 726 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 UBC4YBR082C 447 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 YPR195CYPR195C 330 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 RRT2YBR246W 1164 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 SRB6YBR253W 366 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 SSK22YCR073C 3996 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 YDL109CYDL109C 1944 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 CNA1YLR433C 1662 nt5.56□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 AMA1YGR225W 1782 nt5.55□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 UTP18YJL069C 1785 nt5.55□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 LSG1YGL099W 1923 nt5.55□□□□□ -1.52
BIT2P38346 YKL071WYKL071W 771 nt5.55□□□□□ -1.52
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 27.7 ms