Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38149

DUG2, Probable di- and tripeptidase DUG2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 878 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
DUG2P38149 NOP8YOL144W 1455 nt5.26□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 NOT3YIL038C 2511 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 HMLALPHA1YCL066W 528 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 MATALPHA1YCR040W 528 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 RTT103YDR289C 1230 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 VAM7YGL212W 951 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SEC17YBL050W 879 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 CKB2YOR039W 777 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 FEX1YOR390W 1128 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 FEX2YPL279C 1128 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 TOM5YPR133W-A 153 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 YPL245WYPL245W 1365 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 URA7YBL039C 1740 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 PMT2YAL023C 2280 nt5.25□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 NGR1YBR212W 2019 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 BRE2YLR015W 1518 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 MRF1YGL143C 1242 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 BGL2YGR282C 942 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SPL2YHR136C 447 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 NIT2YJL126W 924 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 APN1YKL114C 1104 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 PML1YLR016C 615 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SCP1YOR367W 603 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 MRL1YPR079W 1146 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 THP1YOL072W 1368 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SIP5YMR140W 1470 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 UBA1YKL210W 3075 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 RRN3YKL125W 1884 nt5.24□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 MCH4YOL119C 1506 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 ARP1YHR129C 1155 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 PHO86YJL117W 936 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 ISY1YJR050W 708 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 NPT1YOR209C 1290 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SUE1YPR151C 621 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 ARH1YDR376W 1482 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 LAS21YJL062W 2493 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 FRE3YOR381W 2136 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 DRN1YGR093W 1524 nt5.23□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 LPL1YOR059C 1353 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 YLH47YPR125W 1365 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SED4YCR067C 3198 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 VPS29YHR012W 849 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SPO12YHR152W 522 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SPC42YKL042W 1092 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 VPS1YKR001C 2115 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 SCW10YMR305C 1170 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 YBL081WYBL081W 1107 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 RPL3YOR063W 1164 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 UGA1YGR019W 1416 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 ZUO1YGR285C 1302 nt5.22□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 FUI1YBL042C 1920 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.57
DUG2P38149 YDL121CYDL121C 450 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 YER147C-AYER147C-A 411 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 YER187WYER187W 426 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 NAT5YOR253W 531 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 CAM1YPL048W 1248 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MGR2YPL098C 342 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MRI1YPR118W 1236 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 snR32snR32 188 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MUM3YOR298W 1440 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 OCA5YHL029C 2040 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 RBA50YDR527W 1320 nt5.21□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 VAN1YML115C 1608 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 HXT14YNL318C 1623 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 RAM1YDL090C 1296 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 PIC2YER053C 903 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 PEX22YAL055W 543 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 ETT1YOR051C 1239 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 RSC6YCR052W 1452 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MMR1YLR190W 1476 nt5.2□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 YIL067CYIL067C 2037 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 NUP1YOR098C 3231 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 UPS3YDR185C 540 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MMS2YGL087C 414 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 RHO3YIL118W 696 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 YJR012CYJR012C 624 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MTF1YMR228W 1026 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 DSE3YOR264W 1293 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 SRV2YNL138W 1581 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 PCL10YGL134W 1302 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 YDR132CYDR132C 1488 nt5.19□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 TDA6YPR157W 1404 nt5.18□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 PCL6YER059W 1263 nt5.18□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 YML057C-AYML057C-A 390 nt5.18□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 DCI1YOR180C 816 nt5.18□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MET31YPL038W 534 nt5.18□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 FAA4YMR246W 2085 nt5.18□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MGS1YNL218W 1764 nt5.18□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 PDI1YCL043C 1569 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MET7YOR241W 1647 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 TRS23YDR246W 660 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 YHR095WYHR095W 495 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 OAZ1YPL052W 879 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 WTM1YOR230W 1314 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 JEM1YJL073W 1938 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 DBF4YDR052C 2115 nt5.17□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 FHL1YPR104C 2811 nt5.16□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 IWR1YDL115C 1062 nt5.16□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 AAD4YDL243C 990 nt5.16□□□□□ -1.58
DUG2P38149 MRPL25YGR076C 474 nt5.16□□□□□ -1.58
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 59.6 ms