Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38149

DUG2, Probable di- and tripeptidase DUG2, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 878 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
DUG2P38149 YOL163WYOL163W 510 nt6.25□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 YDR514CYDR514C 1452 nt6.25□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 MNN5YJL186W 1761 nt6.25□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 ADE12YNL220W 1302 nt6.25□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 YDL129WYDL129W 876 nt6.24□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 BCY1YIL033C 1251 nt6.24□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 TSA1YML028W 591 nt6.24□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 ISN1YOR155C 1353 nt6.23□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 LDS1YAL018C 978 nt6.23□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 RPL10YLR075W 666 nt6.23□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 ARO7YPR060C 771 nt6.23□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 YPR114WYPR114W 948 nt6.23□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 RSC30YHR056C 2652 nt6.23□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 FRS2YFL022C 1512 nt6.22□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 CDC19YAL038W 1503 nt6.22□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 UGX2YDL169C 672 nt6.22□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 YEL068CYEL068C 333 nt6.22□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 MRS1YIR021W 1092 nt6.22□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 SKI2YLR398C 3864 nt6.21□□□□□ -1.41
DUG2P38149 YDR034W-BYDR034W-B 156 nt6.21□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 RRP46YGR095C 672 nt6.21□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 YIL055CYIL055C 1884 nt6.21□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 GYP8YFL027C 1494 nt6.21□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 YHM2YMR241W 945 nt6.2□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 YNL042W-BYNL042W-B 258 nt6.2□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 MRPS16YPL013C 366 nt6.2□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 MCM3YEL032W 2916 nt6.2□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 PKC1YBL105C 3456 nt6.2□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 PYK2YOR347C 1521 nt6.2□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 PHB1YGR132C 864 nt6.19□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 RPE1YJL121C 717 nt6.19□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 YJL211CYJL211C 444 nt6.19□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SSP120YLR250W 705 nt6.19□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 VPS4YPR173C 1314 nt6.19□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 RGD1YBR260C 2001 nt6.18□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 ATG4YNL223W 1485 nt6.18□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 TOM20YGR082W 552 nt6.18□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 ERP2YAL007C 648 nt6.18□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SWP1YMR149W 861 nt6.18□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 VMA4YOR332W 702 nt6.18□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 IFA38YBR159W 1044 nt6.18□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 VPS5YOR069W 2028 nt6.17□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 PRI2YKL045W 1587 nt6.17□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 BUD9YGR041W 1644 nt6.17□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 MRC1YCL061C 3291 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 GDA1YEL042W 1557 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 RHB1YCR027C 630 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 YDL022C-AYDL022C-A 249 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 OAC1YKL120W 975 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 CIN4YMR138W 576 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 MRPS5YBR251W 924 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 CSC1YLR241W 2349 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 EEB1YPL095C 1371 nt6.16□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 YDL119CYDL119C 924 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP2tY(GUA)D 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP11tY(GUA)F1 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP6tY(GUA)F2 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP7tY(GUA)J1 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP4tY(GUA)J2 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP5tY(GUA)M1 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP8tY(GUA)M2 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SUP3tY(GUA)O 75 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 PXL1YKR090W 2121 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 YML012C-AYML012C-A 378 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 HAP3YBL021C 435 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 SNO4YMR322C 714 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 HSP33YOR391C 714 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 HSP32YPL280W 714 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.42
DUG2P38149 COR1YBL045C 1374 nt6.15□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 RAD3YER171W 2337 nt6.14□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 COX20YDR231C 618 nt6.14□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 YNR040WYNR040W 771 nt6.14□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 ATP4YPL078C 735 nt6.14□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 POP1YNL221C 2628 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 RAD24YER173W 1980 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 KEL1YHR158C 3495 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 YBR284WYBR284W 2394 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 YGR127WYGR127W 939 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 LEU5YHR002W 1074 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 RPR2YIR015W 435 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 YJU3YKL094W 942 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 YLR122CYLR122C 378 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 YNL067W-AYNL067W-A 147 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 ATG12YBR217W 561 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 GAT1YFL021W 1533 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 XBP1YIL101C 1944 nt6.13□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 GPB2YAL056W 2643 nt6.12□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 PUF3YLL013C 2640 nt6.12□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 MRK1YDL079C 1506 nt6.11□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 BRL1YHR036W 1416 nt6.11□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 GON7YJL184W 372 nt6.11□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 TAL1YLR354C 1008 nt6.11□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 PAT1YCR077C 2391 nt6.11□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 YFL042CYFL042C 2025 nt6.11□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 ELP3YPL086C 1674 nt6.1□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 RPL7AYGL076C 735 nt6.1□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 CBP4YGR174C 513 nt6.1□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 RPL7BYPL198W 735 nt6.1□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 GIT1YCR098C 1557 nt6.1□□□□□ -1.43
DUG2P38149 ACS1YAL054C 2142 nt6.09□□□□□ -1.43
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 50.6 ms