RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: YOR192C

THI72, Transcript of Transporter of thiamine or related compound, yeastyeast

Gene THI72, Length 1,800 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
THI72YOR192C YLR156WP0CE96 114 aa6.54□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C YLR159WP0CE97 114 aa6.54□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C YLR161WP0CE98 114 aa6.54□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C COA3Q3E7B2 85 aa6.54□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C MSA2P36157 363 aa6.53□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C SGF11Q03067 99 aa6.53□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C YMR141CP40211 102 aa6.53□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C RPL26BP53221 127 aaKnown RBP6.53□□□□□ -1.36
THI72YOR192C AGA1P32323 725 aa6.52□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YLR342W-AQ3E810 57 aa6.52□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YOL085CQ99345 113 aa6.52□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YCR001WP25347 104 aa6.51□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YKL065W-AQ2V2P2 73 aa6.51□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C MPC3P53311 146 aa6.5□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C OST5Q92316 86 aa6.5□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C EDC1P53080 175 aaPredicted RBP6.5□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C DAD4P69851 72 aa6.5□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C FYV5P25585 152 aa6.49□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YER188C-AP0C0V2 99 aa6.48□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YBR182C-AQ8TGU6 64 aa6.48□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YMR122CQ03879 124 aa6.48□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C TOS6P48560 102 aa6.47□□□□□ -1.37
THI72YOR192C YNL190WP53872 204 aa6.46□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C IRC21Q04772 201 aa6.44□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C YDR182W-AQ3E796 67 aa6.43□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C RPL36BO14455 100 aaKnown RBP6.43□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C RPL36AP05745 100 aaPredicted RBP6.43□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C RPR2P40571 144 aa6.42□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C NOP10Q6Q547 58 aaPredicted RBP6.42□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C MRP10O75012 95 aa6.41□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C SHU1P38751 150 aa6.41□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C YPR153WQ06537 140 aa6.41□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C YBR200W-AQ3E755 54 aa6.41□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C MRPS12P53732 153 aa6.41□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C YGR240C-AQ3E786 66 aa6.41□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C YFR032C-BQ8TGU2 87 aa6.4□□□□□ -1.38
THI72YOR192C YOR020W-AQ3E824 90 aa6.39□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C ATP15P21306 62 aa6.38□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C QCR10P37299 77 aa6.38□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C RGM1Q00453 211 aa6.37□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C KRE9P39005 276 aa6.36□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C YOL014WQ08110 124 aa6.36□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C YCR043CP25361 127 aa6.36□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C YOR008C-AQ3E7B9 74 aa6.36□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C YOL166W-AQ8TGJ1 51 aa6.36□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C RPS30AP0CX33 63 aaKnown RBP6.34□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C RPS30BP0CX34 63 aaKnown RBP6.34□□□□□ -1.39
THI72YOR192C URM1P40554 99 aaPredicted RBP6.34□□□□□ -1.4
THI72YOR192C SPC1P46965 94 aa6.34□□□□□ -1.4
THI72YOR192C YJR107C-AP0CT86 78 aa6.32□□□□□ -1.4
THI72YOR192C HOT13P36078 116 aa6.32□□□□□ -1.4
THI72YOR192C ARC15P40518 154 aaRIP-Chip data6.31□□□□□ -1.4not detected
THI72YOR192C FYV12Q08559 129 aa6.29□□□□□ -1.4
THI72YOR192C SOM1Q05676 74 aa6.28□□□□□ -1.4
THI72YOR192C LIP1Q03579 150 aa6.27□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C YOR034C-AQ3E735 80 aa6.27□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C EDC2P40023 145 aaPredicted RBP6.26□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C RPL38P49167 78 aaKnown RBP6.26□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C YLL066W-BQ8TGJ7 56 aa6.26□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C PMP3P87284 55 aa6.25□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C YPR195CQ06594 109 aa6.25□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C YIL156W-BQ2V2P4 73 aa6.24□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C YMR122W-AQ3E842 84 aa6.23□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C YLR236CA0A023PZG4 107 aa6.22□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C RTC6O14464 93 aa6.22□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C RPL33AP05744 107 aaKnown RBP6.22□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C RPL33BP41056 107 aaKnown RBP6.22□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C ATP18P81450 59 aa6.22□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C QCR8P08525 94 aa6.22□□□□□ -1.41
THI72YOR192C GIS2P53849 153 aaKnown RBP RIP-Chip data6.22□□□□□ -1.41not detected
THI72YOR192C YPR010C-AA5Z2X5 72 aa6.21□□□□□ -1.42
THI72YOR192C YCR095W-AQ3E787 52 aa6.21□□□□□ -1.42
THI72YOR192C YAR023CD6VPM8 179 aa6.2□□□□□ -1.42
THI72YOR192C YBL008W-AQ3E821 79 aa6.2□□□□□ -1.42
THI72YOR192C YJR146WP47174 117 aa6.18□□□□□ -1.42
THI72YOR192C YDR010CQ12426 110 aa6.18□□□□□ -1.42
THI72YOR192C YDR115WQ04598 105 aa6.16□□□□□ -1.42
THI72YOR192C HUB1Q6Q546 73 aa6.15□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C MRX7P53869 86 aa6.14□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C COX23P38824 151 aa6.13□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C YNL042W-BQ3E7Z2 85 aa6.13□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C YFR009W-AP0C5M9 85 aa6.13□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C SNA2P56508 79 aa6.13□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C LCL2Q08045 131 aa6.13□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C YER175W-AQ8TGU4 54 aa6.13□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C YIL102CP40488 101 aa6.11□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C YGL149WP53116 101 aa6.11□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C YJL197C-AP0C5P0 93 aa6.1□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C BSC4P53841 131 aa6.09□□□□□ -1.43
THI72YOR192C YBR219CP38317 127 aa6.07□□□□□ -1.44
THI72YOR192C YDR034C-AP0C289 58 aa6.06□□□□□ -1.44
THI72YOR192C YEL008WP40001 126 aa6.05□□□□□ -1.44
THI72YOR192C YDL241WQ07738 123 aa6.04□□□□□ -1.44
THI72YOR192C RPC10P40422 70 aa6.03□□□□□ -1.44
THI72YOR192C ATP17Q06405 101 aa6.02□□□□□ -1.45
THI72YOR192C YLR157W-DP0CE99 70 aa6.02□□□□□ -1.45
THI72YOR192C YMR001C-AQ8TGS9 76 aa6.02□□□□□ -1.45
THI72YOR192C AQY2P0CD90 149 aa6□□□□□ -1.45
THI72YOR192C SDH6Q3E785 79 aa6□□□□□ -1.45
THI72YOR192C YLL006W-AQ3E814 58 aa5.99□□□□□ -1.45
Retrieved 100 of 5,963 RNA–protein pairs in 15.4 ms