RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000619610.2

U2AF1L5-202, Transcript of U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 like 5, humanhuman


Gene U2AF1L5, Length 813 nt, Biotype protein coding.

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
U2AF1L5-202ENST00000619610 GEMIN5Q8TEQ6 1508 aaKnown RBP eCLIP41.75■■■■■ 4.272e-6■■■■■ 51.7
U2AF1L5-202ENST00000619610 EFTUD2Q15029 972 aaKnown RBP eCLIP23.52■■□□□ 1.361e-9■■■■□ 25.1
U2AF1L5-202ENST00000619610 PRPF8Q6P2Q9 2335 aaKnown RBP eCLIP21.96■■□□□ 1.111e-9■■■□□ 15
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