RNA–Protein interactions for RNA: ENST00000461511.1

MITF-213, Transcript of melanogenesis associated transcription factor, humanhuman


Gene MITF, Length 574 nt, Biotype processed transcript, Subcellular localisation Cytosol .

RNA Protein Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (ENCODE eCLIP)
Transcript Symbol Ensembl Transcript ID Gene UniProt Accession Length Protein Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score p-Value Fold Change
MITF-213ENST00000461511 UTP3Q9NQZ2 479 aaKnown RBP eCLIP11.19□□□□□ -0.621e-68■■■■■ 1639.7
MITF-213ENST00000461511 SF3B1O75533 1304 aaKnown RBP eCLIP11.02□□□□□ -0.654e-6■■■■■ 51.2
MITF-213ENST00000461511 DDX3XO00571 662 aaKnown RBP eCLIP11.23□□□□□ -0.618e-8■■■■■ 36.8
MITF-213ENST00000461511 QKIQ96PU8 341 aaKnown RBP eCLIP10.8□□□□□ -0.685e-10■■■■■ 31.1
MITF-213ENST00000461511 CSTF2TQ9H0L4 616 aaKnown RBP eCLIP9.33□□□□□ -0.929e-7■■□□□ 12.2
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