Protein–RNA interactions for Protein: P38428

CUE1, Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation protein 1, yeastyeast

Predictions only

Length 203 aa.

Protein RNA Prediction (catRAPID) Interaction (RIP-Chip)
Gene UniProt Accession Gene Ensembl Transcript ID Length Transcript Status Prediction Score Prediction z-Score Detected Interaction
CUE1P38428 NOP8YOL144W 1455 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 THI7YLR237W 1797 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 PEX22YAL055W 543 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 YBL006W-AYBL006W-A 150 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 TOM7YNL070W 183 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 YBR016WYBR016W 387 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 THS1YIL078W 2205 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 SSB1YDL229W 1842 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 GSM1YJL103C 1857 nt3.92□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 SKG3YLR187W 3081 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 RRP3YHR065C 1506 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 YAR019W-AYAR019W-A 333 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 YOR034C-AYOR034C-A 243 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 NCE102YPR149W 522 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 SSA2YLL024C 1920 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 YDR132CYDR132C 1488 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 KIC1YHR102W 3243 nt3.91□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 OAF1YAL051W 3144 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 HST1YOL068C 1512 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 RAD57YDR004W 1383 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 TMN2YDR107C 2019 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 PUT1YLR142W 1431 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.78
CUE1P38428 DAS2YDR020C 699 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)CtK(CUU)C 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)D1tK(CUU)D1 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)D2tK(CUU)D2 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)E1tK(CUU)E1 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)E2tK(CUU)E2 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)FtK(CUU)F 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)G1tK(CUU)G1 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)G2tK(CUU)G2 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)G3tK(CUU)G3 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)ItK(CUU)I 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)JtK(CUU)J 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)KtK(CUU)K 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)MtK(CUU)M 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 tK(CUU)PtK(CUU)P 73 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 NAT2YGR147C 867 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 TDA5YLR426W 981 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 POL12YBL035C 2118 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YMR105W-AYMR105W-A 195 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 SLZ1YNL196C 897 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 FEX1YOR390W 1128 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YPL073CYPL073C 486 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 ALG5YPL227C 1005 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 FEX2YPL279C 1128 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 ARC40YBR234C 1155 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YPK9YOR291W 4419 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 RRB1YMR131C 1536 nt3.9□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 LAS21YJL062W 2493 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 BDP1YNL039W 1785 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 AVT1YJR001W 1809 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 MRPL7YDR237W 879 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 SPO74YGL170C 1242 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 SPC42YKL042W 1092 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 NSE1YLR007W 1011 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YBR219CYBR219C 384 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 RAD30YDR419W 1899 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 TAF5YBR198C 2397 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 KTR7YIL085C 1554 nt3.89□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 RCK2YLR248W 1833 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 GSY1YFR015C 2127 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 MCM2YBL023C 2607 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 PCL6YER059W 1263 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YER067C-AYER067C-A 324 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YER085CYER085C 522 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 GAT3YLR013W 426 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 NRG2YBR066C 663 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 MAK3YPR051W 531 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 APC4YDR118W 1959 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 SUL2YLR092W 2682 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 MNN1YER001W 2289 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 OCT1YKL134C 2319 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 OPT2YPR194C 2634 nt3.88□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 GGA1YDR358W 1674 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 AIM10YER087W 1731 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 PUT2YHR037W 1728 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 CDC15YAR019C 2925 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 PAD1YDR538W 729 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YJL218WYJL218W 591 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 MDM12YOL009C 816 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YPR109WYPR109W 885 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 IZH3YLR023C 1632 nt3.87□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 SAT4YCR008W 1812 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 RPS1BYML063W 768 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YBL029WYBL029W 1131 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 YMR085WYMR085W 1299 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 PHA2YNL316C 1005 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 DCS2YOR173W 1062 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 MGR2YPL098C 342 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 NAT3YPR131C 588 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 POP4YBR257W 840 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 DXO1YDR370C 1329 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 PRD1YCL057W 2139 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 NUP2YLR335W 2163 nt3.86□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 BUD7YOR299W 2241 nt3.85□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 INO2YDR123C 915 nt3.85□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 CAB1YDR531W 1104 nt3.85□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 RIP1YEL024W 648 nt3.85□□□□□ -1.79
CUE1P38428 SKI8YGL213C 1194 nt3.85□□□□□ -1.79
Retrieved 100 of 7,029 protein–RNA pairs in 84.7 ms